Logo Design

The 5 Essentials of Logo Design

Hannah Curran
April 2, 2018

A good logo can do wonders for a small business. It becomes synonymous with the brand and can stimulate feelings and associations toward a business that garners trust and loyalty. Think for a minute about companies that have great logos – they're easy to recall and that's what every business wants. For entrepreneurs, designing a logo that makes an impact may seem daunting as you're already strapped for time and resources.

If you have an existing logo that needs a refresh, this process may seem even more overwhelming. Luckily, we've taken the guesswork out of the design conundrum and identified the five things your business logo needs to stand out in the marketplace.

1. Make it simple.

First things first: a logo needs to be simple. An overly decorative or involved design can confuse your target audience and make them turn away from your business. Simplicity is key because a strong logo is able to convey critical components about the business very quickly.

For example, the logo above is for Leslie Santos, United Real Estate Miami, and was designed by Fiverr's d_design. The design clearly identifies the business – a real estate agent – and gives the viewer a sense of the agent's personality. Leslie's color, font, and house icon show that she is personable and professional.

Most importantly, this information was gleaned by looking at the logo for three seconds. A good logo needs to communicate its value and industry in order to make a positive impression on your audience.

2. Make it memorable.

The second design essential is that your logo must be something that sticks in people's memory. This may seem counterintuitive since we just mentioned simplicity, but a logo can be both. People see hundreds, if not thousands, of logos each day. Yours needs to stand out and stick with your customers.

Whether it's including your branded colors, a custom graphic, or a clever play on your business's name, these are all ways to design a memorable logo.

This logo by Fiverr's creativelogos4u fits the memorable bill. The design instantly catches the viewer's attention and communicates the vibe of the boutique. With the mix of rough bones paired with florals and dangling jewels, it piques curiosity and makes a lasting impression on the viewer. This is a logo any customer will remember, which is what good branding is all about.

3. Make it timeless.

Creating a logo that stands the test of time is the ultimate goal, as it helps with establishing brand awareness and loyalty. Some of the most notable logos, from Nike to Coca-Cola, have a timeless element to them. While little tweaks and updates are necessary, their logos have basically remained the same for decades. This is something any business should strive for, as it saves time and resources – and brand credibility – over the business's lifetime.

A timeless logo should have a unique identity, but not be too "of the moment." A simple way to develop a timeless logo is to use your branded colors and preferred fonts because they'll likely be part of your business for years to come. Graphics are also compelling components of long-lasting logos because they go beyond slogans and taglines.

The Maker's Brand logo by Fiverr designer ei8htz is an excellent example of a timeless design. It has a classic but fun font, while the graphic relates to the industry. Over time, the color may change or the font may be tweaked, but the graphic is a significant part of the design that will transcend any momentary cultural and design trends.

4. Make it versatile.

One consideration many people overlook during logo design is versatility. Most likely, your logo will include your branded colors, but there are times when having it in black and white will be necessary. Many t-shirts and banners are limited to black and white, and you don't want to miss an opportunity to promote your business just because your logo doesn't translate well into those colors.

A good logo should be able to be inverted from black on white to white on black and not lose any of its recognition. Test this while designing yours so that it meets any and all future marketing needs.

Talk Dog's logo by Fiverr designer mrtranscendence is an excellent example of a versatile design. It can easily be changed to black on white and vice-versa while maintaining its core message. Nothing is lost when it is transposed and that's a key element of a great logo.

5. Make it appropriate.

Last, but certainly not least, your business logo needs to be appropriate – meaning it needs to fit with your industry no matter how niche it may be. Font and color choice (including graphics or text only) and decorative elements are all things to be considered. A logo is often the first impression your business makes on a potential customer, so it needs to accurately represent what you're offering in an authentic way.

Vitabar's logo, designed by Fiverr's Cristian Sticea, is appropriate for the business because they offer organic snacks. The color selection, green and yellow, is often associated with health, and the font choice is easy to read, but not stodgy. It shows that this is a place to pop in, grab a snack, meet a friend, and enjoy yourself.

These small details make all the difference when it comes to logo design, so make sure you solicit opinions during your design process to guarantee your logo comes across in the way you intended. Logo design is critical for any entrepreneur and their business. It sets the tone and public perception of the company, so having a logo that speaks to your unique selling proposition and values will pay dividends over the course of your business's lifecycle.

Have you utilized other essentials of logo design? We'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

Hannah Curran
Hannah Curran is Fiverr's Social Media and Content Manager. Originally from Connecticut, she lives in California and works out of our San Francisco office. Have an idea for the Fiverr blog? Connect with her on LinkedIn.
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