Web & Mobile Design

Make Your WordPress Mobile Friendly

Segev Waintraub
January 16, 2016
responsive wordpress||Fiverr Wordpress Infographic

A recent report by Morgan Stanley found that mobile browser traffic is twice that of mobile app traffic. Research has shown that when we pick up our mobile phones, we’re more likely to bypass apps and go straight to the browser. The average number of hours we spend on mobile devices has also surpassed the time we spend on desktop computers. There are also a growing number of people using WordPress.

Fiverr Wordpress Infographic

Any mobile visitors to your site won’t be satisfied with a bare-bones mobile experience. Nowadays, visitors will expect your WordPress site to be just as dazzling on mobile as it is on desktop. You’ll need to offer the same content to your mobile users as you would to visitors accessing your site via desktop.The good news is that WordPress understands the importance of mobile, and has made it easy to create a mobile-optimized site your users will love. WordPress also makes it possible to manage your site from your mobile, too, thanks to their responsive admin screens, and responsive images. For every image you upload, WordPress will save multiple images at different sizes. WordPress plugins such as the RICG Responsive Images plugin will make sure that the smallest image still looks good on the page.After you’ve chosen a responsive theme for your WordPress site, it’s time to make sure that your WordPress plugins are also working to your advantage by enhancing your mobile user’s experience on a smaller screen. Check out the following plugins:To optimize your WordPress site for mobile users, the first thing you’ll need to do is select a responsive theme. Responsive themes will ensure that your site’s layout works well across all platforms by using percentages for screen widths instead of pixels, and by using media queries to tailor all content to the appropriate screen size. To further emphasize the importance of responsive design, WordPress has made its default theme, Twenty Sixteen, responsive. Try browsing these 55 free and responsive WordPress themes, or checking out Themify’s complete list of responsive themes.

  • The WordPress Responsive Menu plugin will convert your main navigation menu to a responsive one.
  • You can spend a bit of money on Gravity Forms or try WordPress’s Contact Form 7 plugin for free. Both will create responsive contact forms that will resize with browser windows across devices.
  • Check out the Easy Social Share Buttons WordPress plugin which will let you add social media buttons without having to download extra css, javascript, or image files that will slow your site down.
  • You can also use WordPress’s Mobble plugin to see whether your site is being accessed via mobile device or desktop.

WordPress has also made it easy to administer your mobile-optimized site via WordPress app for iOS or Android. While apps overall have been overtaken by mobile browser use, when it comes to WordPress admin, the app is still important.

Looking to re-optimize your designs?

WordPress lets you manage your site and add new content from your mobile device. Adding photos is a cinch: simply take a photo with your phone, then insert it to your post. WordPress apps will also let you access and manage multiple WordPress sites.If you’re interested in building an app to work with your mobile WordPress site, try AppPresser, the first mobile app framework specifically designed for use with WordPress. You’ll get extensions and themes, and advanced features such as plugins, which will help you build an iOS or Android app via WordPress. AppPresser also syncs with Adobe’s PhoneGap, which will let you integrate the advanced features of a mobile device – such as geo-location, camera, and contacts – into the app experience.For novices, or those with basic WordPress requirements, try IdeaPress. This is a user-friendly and intuitive app building tool that will easily convert your WordPress site into an Android or iOS app within minutes. You won’t need to be an expert in coding – IdeaPress lets you focus on the design elements, while doing the tough stuff for you.If you haven’t already optimized your WordPress site for mobile users, there’s no reason to delay. WordPress has made it easier than ever before to give mobile users the same site experience, no matter the size of the screen.

Segev Waintraub
SEO specialist at Fiverr. Segev is working on ranking fiverr as the top marketplace for digital services on search engines. Prior to Fiverr, Segev has spent 5+ years working as SEO and online marketer.
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