
Segev Waintraub

Content Marketing
26 Creative Tips to Blog Better in 2017
You might think that blogs are a thing of the internet past.
user testing guy
User Testing
Why Your Website Needs User Testing
User testing is basically what it sounds like – a person checks your website for clarity, functionality, design, and all the things that shape a visitor’s experience.
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Digital Marketing
26 Best Digital Marketing Tips
Digital marketing is essential for any successful business, but it can be difficult to know where to begin and how best to direct your efforts.
business idea
Success Stories
Success Tips: From A Business Idea to Fundraising
This guide will show you precisely how to build a foundation for your idea and walk you through the entire process, all the way up to raising capital from investors.
responsive wordpress||Fiverr Wordpress Infographic
Web & Mobile Design
Make Your WordPress Mobile Friendly
A recent report by Morgan Stanley found that mobile browser traffic is twice that of mobile app traffic.