Every 4 years something new is revealed as the game-changing innovation that shaped the General Election. In 2008 it was social platforms and online organizing, in 2012 it was big data, in 2016 it was highly sophisticated targeting for persuasive digital content. What will the next game-changing innovation be for the 2020 election?
To be effective, campaigns of all sizes need to communicate with targeted audiences everywhere in brand new ways. This means going beyond county fairs and yard signs, and doing more than just maintaining a Facebook page, and here’s where our first-ever Fiverr for Political Campaigns can help.
Strategic campaign professionals, even those with modest budgets, will be thinking about SEO, A/B testing emails, incorporating AI into their campaign ad buying strategies, building chatbots, developing highly targeted videos, and communicating across multiple social apps.
Fiverr for Political campaigns contains a curated collection of digital services to provide campaigns — of all budgets and sizes — the opportunity to expand their capabilities by working with U.S. based freelancers skilled in disciplines like political advertising, branding, app development, speechwriting, voice over, video and animation, and more.
Services include:
Check out how the Democratic Party of Maryland is using Fiverr to reach more voters.
From creating a memorable logo to penning an unforgettable speech, our new store provides the digital services you need to build, execute, and run a successful campaign. View all our services here.