Business News

Top Priorities for Tech Executives

Fiverr Team
March 25, 2024
Tech Priorities

Fiverr has released a comprehensive report detailing the urgent needs of tech executives in the U.S. 

A survey of 500 tech executives in the U.S. in early 2024, completed in partnership with Censuswide, highlights the tech sector’s growing emphasis on adaptability and flexibility.

Key takeaways from the survey underscore the commitment to overcoming hurdles in cybersecurity measures, the continued integration of emerging technologies (including AI), and strategically hiring new talent. For example, as their organizations grow, 53.2% of tech companies cite optimizing technology and infrastructure as their top challenge, closely followed by maintaining company culture (52.6%) and securing the right talent (50.6%).

For tech executives, Q3 is the most stressful quarter by far.

Tech leaders are also recognizing that by leveraging teams built on flexibility and agility, they are better equipped to deal with market volatilities, skill gaps, and talent retention issues. Nearly 90% of executives are open to leveraging freelancers during peak stress periods.

Download the full report here:

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