Logo Design

8 Signs That It's Time to Update Your Logo

Hannah Curran
March 21, 2018

As with anything visual, graphic design trends change, sometimes with each passing year. Just when your business has established itself as fashionable and up-to-date, a competitor opens with a logo and website that’s a little hipper. But you don’t have to wait to start losing customers to update your look, starting with your logo. Here are a few signs your logo is out of date to help you determine whether you need to hire a designer for an upgrade.

Script Fonts

If you pay close attention to design, you’ve likely noticed that each decade seems to bring its own popular fonts. “Handwritten” fonts that visualize your story or brand feel more creative feel than standard script fonts, which customers may associate with wedding invitations.

Cluttered Design

Minimalist design is often popular for logos, since it makes it easy to make out fine details even when presented in small format, such as on letterhead or a social media profile. Most if not all of today’s design aims to be simple and uncluttered, whether it’s a logo or a website.

Abstract Images

As you’re striving for minimalism, though, it’s important to avoid being obscure. Abstract images that have little to do with your brand will only confuse customers. However, cropping images remains popular in 2018. If you can convey a message while leaving a little mystery, you’ll draw customers in.

Nature-Inspired Colors

For a while, muted colors that mimic Mother Nature have been popular. However, that trend is drawing to a close. If you’re just upgrading a logo, feel free to add in just a splash of color here and there, making sure you stay with colors that fit your brand messaging. You can even go for a small logo upgrade by merely colorizing the logo you’ve been using all along.

Drop Shadows

In the early days of the internet, drop shadows were everywhere. They added depth to design, making fonts stand out. If your logo includes drop shadows, consider working them in using newer trends like subtle or hard-edge drop shadows.

Serif Avoidance

As consumers increasingly moved toward mobile, designers avoided serif fonts, since they were more difficult to read on smaller screens. However, as resolution has improved on smartphones, designers have begun using the typeface again. If your original logo was designed in previous years, consider checking in with a designer to see if your options have expanded.

Lack of Font Originality

Unfortunately, over time, brands tend to find that they’re using the same font as many other businesses. As original as designers try to be, there are only so many fonts they can choose that fit your business. To truly be original, consider having a font custom designed. You’ll stand out from other businesses in the same space and have a logo that may stand the test of time.

Unprofessional Design

No matter what your design conveys, if it was created in your early days, you may have skimped on design. Maybe you designed the logo yourself or purchased it on a crowdsourcing site for a few bucks. Once your business starts growing, those early logos quickly become outdated and should be turned over to a professional for a retouch.Your logo may not be in need of a complete overhaul, even if it seems out of date. A few small tweaks could get you ready to tackle the next decade. Make sure even as you upgrade that you stay true to your brand messaging, remaining consistent across all channels. That may mean it’s also time to take a look at your website and decide whether to update it to meet modern trends.

When did you know it was time to update your logo? Tell us in the comments below!

Hannah Curran
Hannah Curran is Fiverr's Social Media and Content Manager. Originally from Connecticut, she lives in California and works out of our San Francisco office. Have an idea for the Fiverr blog? Connect with her on LinkedIn.
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