Business Tips

Video Games During COVID-19: A New Way to Bond with Your Remote Team

Fiverr Team
October 28, 2020

With the Covid-19 pandemic sweeping the world and keeping everyone on lockdown, video games have emerged as a top option for entertainment while at home.According to, since March 2020,"76% of U.S. homes had at least one internet-connected device". That means over 75% of all U.S. households have used technology for entertainment since the height of the pandemic, proving that people have been using electronics to pass the time and escape the real world.Whether it's to stream TV, play Xbox, PlayStation, or Nintendo games, it's really up to the person and what games they like. This isn't limited to certain age groups, either. Adults have started to play more video games among the COVID outbreak, too! Major companies have picked up on the trend of video gaming and how they bring people together—giving them a sense of connection even though players aren't close in reality.Whether it's over a zoom call or on an Xbox live game chat, many companies are suggesting that their workers play games with each other to combat the feeling of isolation and friendlessness that new remote workers may be having.

Popular Zoom Games for Team Bonding

The best games for businesses to promote team bonding should definitely involve some sort of teamwork aspect, or at the very least, communication among them.This is why a simple online party game like Pictionary—over a Zoom call—works so well with connecting people. Guessers contemplating on what the drawer could be doodling is an act of efficient teamwork. Plus, it’s a sure-fire way to build better relationships among the players—giving everyone a chance to gain insight into each other’s sense of humor, character, and thought processes. Also, making fun and laughing at some hilarious drawings always helps break the ice among new employees or new freelance members.Another Zoom gaming activity for your team to take part in are “Jackbox” party games.These are super fun, silly, easy-to-play games that are sure to make everyone laugh. There are plenty of game modes, too, that involve different elements like lying or telling the best joke, so if you want to compete against each other, but still have fun, you have plenty of options to choose from. Sometimes, playing the same game over and over again can make your team feel bored, but Jackbox offers a ton of variety under one platform.Side note: Jackbox is also very user-friendly, which means the interface is easy to navigate and players only need a smartphone or tablet to participate if they don’t have access to a computer.Lastly, to bring back an old favorite, you can use Zoom to play good ol’ I-Spy but with your whole team! So while one person picks something to spy on, everyone else scrambles to guess what it is--pretty simple.The funny aspect is in the wandering faces and possible expressions someone could make that everyone else gets to admire. This will get your team smiling and closer as a unit, all from a simple game of I-Spy.

Mainstream Video Games to Choose From

And of course, there's the obvious console games like Fortnite, Call of Duty, Apex Legends, and even Minecraft, that your team can play together.These games have online multiplayer options for you and others to become a team and work together to win. However, it should be noted that each player will need their own console or computer to log in with and play on. Also, each person may need a platform account to engage in multiplayer online gaming, so if your team doesn’t have the logistics to make this happen, settling for an accessible Zoom game may be the best choice.

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