Logo Design

The Importance of Updating Your Logo and Why You Should Refresh it Now

Fiverr Team
June 29, 2022
Logo Design

Your logo is a major part of your business branding. Other than your company name, it’s what people see most often and how they will remember you. This makes it critical to have a logo that truly reflects the way you want your company to be seen.

Business owners often put a lot of thought into creating their initial logo but fail to recognize when it's time for an update. Even the best logo won’t stay relevant forever and an outdated logo may be doing your business more harm than good.

Are you overdue for a logo redesign? The following guide provides a look into some signs that it’s time for a logo update and offers simple tips to help you create a new logo that’s the perfect representation of your business.

What is the Purpose of a Logo?

Before you create a new logo, it’s important to understand its overall function. A logo acts as a point of identification and is essentially the “face” of your company. It should be unique and immediately recognizable. Even more importantly, it should invoke thoughts of what your company does and how it makes people feel. Your logo also helps to separate you from your competition and, if you use it consistently, it can also foster brand loyalty.

3 Signs It’s Time to Update Your Logo

If your company has been around for a long time, you might hesitate to change your logo. After all, you’ve put a lot of effort into making it recognizable over the years. However, no matter how iconic a logo may be, there comes a time when an update is in order. Here’s a look at three signs that your business may need a logo redesign.

1. Aged Styling

Even if you loved your logo when you first created it, there will be some features that will eventually start to look outdated. When this happens, your logo may appear stale or not be as relevant as it once was. Some elements, like bubbly text or italicized fonts, will make your logo look like it’s from the last decade. If it has been some time since you’ve updated your logo, you’ll want to consider whether signs of aged styling are starting to show.  

Customers want to know that the company they’re working with is keeping up with the times. A logo redesign shows that your business is evolving and adapting to the modern world. Waiting too long to update your logo can make your company appear out of touch and unwilling to change.

Long-established companies may also have logos that are overly complex or have too much gradient. While these may look great when printed on letterhead, they don’t translate well into the digital world. Modern logo design is all about simplicity, giving you the versatility to use it across a wide variety of platforms.

2. Shift in Company Focus

Companies grow and evolve over time. During the course of your business, you may have gone through a merger or acquisition, added new products or services, or introduced a new mission. In this case, you may find that the logo you started with no longer accurately represents your business.

Not only can a logo redesign better reflect your company as it currently is, but rebranding can help you show the world that your business is going in a new direction.

3. Company Growth

When businesses are first starting, budgets are often tight. Logo design might not have been at the top of your list of necessary expenses. It’s common for start-up companies to create a logo on the fly and keep using it because it’s “good enough.”

As your company grows and becomes more profitable, it’s wise to make an investment in a logo redesign and other branding elements. This shows the public that you’re a successful, legitimate company and can be an effective way to project your company’s success.

Things to Consider When Updating Your Logo

Once you’ve decided that you need a logo redesign, there are some things to consider before you get started. Taking the time to do it right will ensure you maintain the brand recognition you’ve worked so hard to create. A well-done redesign will also allow you to update your image and ensure you'll be happy with your new logo for years to come. Here's a look at some of the important points to address as you move forward with the redesign process.

Brand Identity & Customer Recognition

If your company has a long history, your logo may be extremely recognizable and can bring up intense feelings associated with your brand. Consider, for example, McDonald’s golden arches, Nike’s signature swoosh, or Pepsi Cola’s red, white, and blue logo.

Even if your brand isn’t as big as these icons, if you’ve built up a strong following, you’ll want to be careful about giving your logo too much of an overhaul. In this case, you may decide to make small tweaks that will modernize it without losing its original power and meaning.

On the other hand, a major logo redesign can be a sign that you are breaking from the past. If you want to present your business in a whole new way, this is an option to consider. However, you'll want to be careful. This approach can fail if the public sees the change as a betrayal of the principles your brand was founded on or an attempt to erase a beloved brand history.

Design Versatility

As you go through the logo redesign process, it’s also important to consider all of the different ways it may be used. Today, not only do you have to consider how your logo will look in both print and digital formats, but also in magazine ads, on billboards, or even on the side of your company vehicles.

Keep this in mind as you select your new logo. A design that looks great online may not be as effective when enlarged and displayed on offline platforms.

How to Get the Best Results from Your New Logo

Your logo plays a critical role in the way the public perceives your company and whether they have a positive first impression. This can make a logo redesign feel a bit overwhelming — but it doesn't have to be. The following tips will help you create a new logo without unnecessary stress or hassle.

Use Fiverr’s Logo Maker

Fiverr Logo Maker uses machine learning and AI technology to create professional-looking logos with just a few clicks. Each logo is hand-designed by a highly qualified logo designer who has been hand-picked by Fiverr’s editorial team.

This platform allows you to create an amazing logo in just a few minutes without having to deal with the time-consuming back-and-forth that’s required when you work directly with a designer. Once you’ve found a logo you like, you can also customize the layout, fonts, and colors so you can make it uniquely yours.

Best of all, it’s super affordable. You can explore hundreds of different options for free and only pay once you’ve created the perfect logo.

Test Multiple Designs

It’s important to remember that while you may love your logo, what really matters is whether it resonates with your target market. This makes it critical to test multiple logo designs before making your final decision.

Conducting surveys of your current audience via email or through your social media platforms can be a very effective strategy. You may also decide to create a focus group to provide in-depth feedback or hire a professional to handle your logo testing for you.

Some of the most effective ways to evaluate your logo options include:

  • Rank test – ask your audience to rank each logo in order of preference
  • Multiple choice – create a variety of questions to rank your audience’s emotional reaction to each logo and collect other thoughts and feedback
  • MaxDiff – understand the extremes your audience feels about each logo design.

Once you’ve gathered and evaluated all of the feedback, if one logo resonated strongly with your audience, you may decide to move forward with it. Otherwise, consider going back to the design phase and creating some reiterations based on the feedback you received.

Get Started with Your Logo Redesign

Whether your logo is a bit past its prime or you need a logo for a new business venture, Fiverr’s Logo Maker makes it easy. Not only will you be able to design the ideal logo for your business, but you’ll also receive social media designs, customized brand guidelines, and more. Get started now for free!

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