Video Marketing

Product Marketing in 2021: Unboxing the Unboxing Video Trend

Fiverr Team
July 12, 2021
unboxing video

As a small business owner, it’s essential to know how to market your products online. One marketing method that has been soaring in popularity is the unboxing video. These videos are exactly what they sound like: customers film themselves unpacking products they’ve ordered. Both kids and adults love filming and watching unboxing videos, and here are some reasons why.

Why Are Unboxing Videos So Popular?

The greatest thing about unboxing videos is that it provides your small business with genuine feedback from real customers. While there are highly popular unboxers who receive complimentary products in exchange for an unboxing video, many customers do it for their own enjoyment. YouTube data shows that the time people have spent watching unboxing videos on their phones is equivalent to watching Love Actually over 20 million times. And that’s just on their phones!

Unboxing videos are a great source of low-cost advertising for your business. Customer-generated content comes off as a more organic form of marketing since it’s an honest reaction from real customers. These videos influence other potential consumers in their decisions by giving them an informative picture of your product without feeling salesy.

Who Watches Unboxing Videos?

The great thing about unboxing videos is that there’s an audience for every product category. The videos are highly popular among kids who watch unboxing for toys and games. It recreates the thrill of opening a new toy or game for them.

Adults watch unboxing videos for a variety of product categories: clothes, electronics, makeup, home decor, and more. The videos inform potential customers about products, but also feeds into their curiosity. Ultimately, there is an audience for nearly every product that your small business may sell.

What Platforms Are Best For Unboxing Videos?

There are so many social media platforms available these days. Which is the right one? Nearly all of them will work for sharing your unboxing videos, so it’s a matter of preference and which platform your target audience is on. The most commonly used platform for unboxing videos is YouTube. Consumers can post longer and more detailed videos for their viewers. There’s no time constraint like other social platforms.

Instagram is also incredibly popular for posting unboxing videos, particularly for items like clothes and makeup. Influencers and regular customers alike use features like Instagram stories or IGTV to share their purchases with followers.

One platform that is quickly gaining traction in the unboxing trend is TikTok. The videos are only a minute long, but the platform is one of the most downloaded apps from the past year. Small business hashtags rack up popularity, as well as hashtags such as #PrettyPackaging. This leads to an important part of the unboxing experience.

How To Level Up Your Packaging

Your packaging is the face you present to the customer. Creating a good impression drives customer loyalty for both returning and potential customers. A 2013 study shows that appealing product packaging can potentially trigger impulsive buying, even if the consumer has no intention to purchase.  So how do you make the unboxing an enjoyable experience?

Personalized touches

Make sure the customer knows you appreciate them specifically. A handwritten thank you card, a sticker with your logo or even a piece of candy all add to the excitement of unboxing.

Unique packaging

Consider boxes with a relevant quote, or tissue paper with relevant illustrations for your packaging. Making the package aesthetically pleasing ups the appeal of the unboxing for viewers.

Incentives to return

If you want to make your customer excited to shop from your store again, what works better than a coupon? Offer a voucher for your customer’s next purchase. Returning customers will be inclined to use the discount and potential customers see that you take care of your clientele.

Want To Take Advantage of Unboxing Videos? Fiverr Can Help

Unboxing videos are a great marketing tactic for your small business. If you’re ready to lift the lid on your products, Fiverr can help you get started.

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