Writing & Translation

How to Write a Script for YouTube Videos

Fiverr Team
November 10, 2022
YouTube Script

YouTube is constantly booming with content. To stand out against the millions of other videos out there, you need to equip yourself to the fullest! One way to do that? Write a script for your YouTube videos. Whether you write a simple outline or a full-fledged, word-for-word script, having something in front of you that keeps your ideas on track will yield better results.

Benefits of having a script for YouTube

It doesn't matter if you're a solo reviewer or have an eight-person comedy group, having a script for your YouTube business definitely has its benefits.

Reduce filming time and retakes

Is there anything more frustrating than redoing the same part of your video over and over...and over again? By preparing a video script, you can reduce the number of retakes and filming time because your ideas are clearly laid out in front of you. If you're prone to rambling, a script will keep you on topic. If you're a shy recorder and need help remembering the next key point, a script will have the prompts you need to keep you moving forward.

Helps the editing process

Instead of having to haphazardly stitch together a random collection of ramblings, having a well-thought-out script will assist you in the editing process. Even if you have multiple takes, having a script next to you as you edit helps to lay out the overarching flow of the video. This outline makes editing a much smoother process.

How to write a YouTube script

Writing a YouTube video script can be as general or as detailed as you need it to be. Regardless of which format you like best, here are some points to help you create your first draft.

Pinpoint your topic

Whether you're a new creator or a seasoned one, having a defined topic for your video is an absolute must. Once you determine your topic, brainstorm all the subtopics you want to address. Take a look at all the subtopics you have on paper and start prioritizing which ones are the best to address in this particular video.

Research keywords

Your video is only as successful as its video views. In order to get the most amount of views, you need to use the right keywords to help your video get noticed. One way to research keywords is to use YouTube's relevant searches. To use YouTube's relevant searches, type in your topic into the YouTube search bar. As you type, relevant keywords and phrases people have searched in relation to your topic will pop up. This is a great way to see what YouTube users are searching for and are interested in. To boost the chances of your video being found, use those search keywords in your script, title, and video description.

Start with your purpose

Start off your script by telling your audience what the purpose of the video is. Why are you talking about this topic? What pain points are you addressing? What will your audience learn and walk away with after watching your video? Use those questions to guide the key points and takeaways you want your audience to remember.

Add substance

Within your YouTube video script, add examples, stories, or sketches to add substance to each of your key talking points. You can also include camera cues to help you lay out what camera movements you want to take as various parts of the video.

Practice and edit

Once you have a script you're happy with, start practicing and record your practice takes. After practicing and recording a few times, watch, edit, and adapt your script to what works best for you. If you're a great improviser and notice that having a word-for-word script makes you sound like a monotone robot, you may only need an outline with prompts. you may have noticed that with a script, you sound more monotone. If you're a great improviser,  

Determine your call to action

To close out your YouTube video script, add a call to action. Determine what specific action you want your viewers to take. Do you want them to visit a website? Do you want them to watch another one of your videos? Do you want them to buy a certain product? Make sure to specifically address what action you want your viewers to take, and be sure to mention or include any external links your audience should explore further.

Start script writing

Having a YouTube video script will help prepare you and keep all your important information at top of mind. While writing your own video scripts will ensure you are familiar with the content, if you're short on time or balancing busy schedules, there are great writers out there (like Fiverr scriptwriters) that can help you elevate your video script game.

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