Business Tips

How to Optimize Your Small Business Podcast

Whit Walker
July 24, 2018

When big brands like McDonald's, Microsoft, and MasterCard start launching podcasts, you know this form of media is a big deal. In the past four years, the amount of people who listen to podcasts has nearly doubled, with almost 68 million Americans now listening to them each month. The podcast boom shouldn't be too surprising. Podcasting is a form of media that's easy to consume on the go and provides a great way to share information and entertainment with audiences across the world. Still, major brands don't have a monopoly on this space and there's always room for small businesses to get in on the action. But if you want to compete with the big hitters, you have to understand that podcasting involves more than just hitting "Record" and pressing "Publish." You need the right audio components, mixing techniques, and marketing materials to get your content heard. The good news is that Fiverr is a one-stop shop for launching your small business podcast and helping you through every step of this process. Here's how.

1. Record your intro.

It's easy to open your laptop, plug in a microphone, and start talking. With that approach, almost anyone can make an hour-long podcast with ease. (Though if you need help with finding the right equipment and setup, try working with Fiverr creators like Joel North.) What's harder is creating a catchy opening or introductory jingle to grab people's attention and make your podcast sound professional. That's where Fiverr doers can help. Whether you want to open your small business podcast with instrumentals, vocals, voiceovers, soundbites, or custom music, there are plenty of solutions to choose from, including:

Intros don't just get people excited to listen. They also stick in your listeners' heads, planting a seed and encouraging them to keep coming back for more.

2. Mix your audio.

So, you have all of your audio material recorded. Now what? It's time to mix and edit. This step is crucial, since it ensures that your podcast will have a high-quality sound and allow for a smooth listening experience. This is also where you can add background music, cut unwanted noise, and balance the volume levels. Still, it can take a long time to make these extra edits, so it might be more valuable to outsource this part via gigs like these:

Hey, there's nothing wrong with letting someone else mix your podcast while you start writing your next episode, right?

3. Market your podcast.

Now that your podcast is ready to go live, you just have to spread the word so people tune in. For example, no small business podcast is complete without some great cover art. It's like the album cover for your series. For help with these designs, check out solutions like:

Going one step further, you might want to integrate calls to action and synopses on your podcast's website or landing page. Instead of taking the extra hours to do this yourself, try working with Fiverr creators who can provide these show notes for you. After all, your podcast is a marketing vehicle and an immersive ad for your business. You'd want any other ad to have clear takeaways and calls to action, so the same should apply to your audio series.

A sound investment for your small business.

Everyone from YouTubers and startups to celebrities and big businesses are jumping into podcasting. And it's not just because podcasts are trendy. It's because people are actually listening. For businesses, this means they have an opportunity to engage customers with long-form content outside of just articles and videos. They can actually get inside their heads and have a one-on-one moment with their audiences – even for an hour or more. So don't be intimidated by the big dogs. Be inspired – and start getting your message into the ears of your customers, one episode at a time. Have you created a podcast for your business? What are your tips for success? Tell us in the comments below!

Whit Walker
Category Manager at Fiverr. For work, I am focused on improving the Marketing & Tech Categories for both buyers and sellers. On my own, I love using the marketplace to pursue creative and side business pursuits.
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