Video Marketing

Google Loves Product Videos and You Should Too

Fiverr Team
September 6, 2021
product videos

If a picture is worth 1,000 words, a video is worth…way more. In today’s modern world, video is more popular than ever. Whether you’re putting together a 15-second video bite for social media or if you’ve compiled a tactical tutorial about your products for YouTube, one thing remains the same: Google loves product videos, which means as a business owner, you should too.

How Product Videos Can Benefit Your Business

Increased Search Ranking Opportunities

Anytime you search on Google, you will be met with a host of search results. These results will include articles, news, images, shopping products, and of course, video. Having a blog or product page is great for SEO, but adding an additional video to cover a certain topic is even better. Product videos expand the opportunity for others to discover your business among their search results. This is especially true if your competition doesn’t have any similar videos to compare against. The less content your competition has in a certain space, the more opportunity you have to shine.

Highly Shareable

In a world where people are attuned to scrolling past a horde of content in a matter of minutes, the more easily sharable and visual your content is, the better your chances are of being shared online. In many cases, people are more inclined to share a video instead of a text page on their social platforms. On the flip side of the coin, some people are more prone to spending a few minutes watching a video as opposed to reading a full article.  


With a culture that admires being busy, we crave convenience. As a result, the easiest and most convenient methods of consuming content are what people will gravitate toward. Watching a video requires less focus and effort in comparison to scrolling through a long article.

With all this in mind, there are a few things you can do as a business owner to increase your SEO and chances of being found online.

Best SEO Tactics for Product Videos

Video Transcripts

You may have noticed that more videos are including subtitles (also referred to as video transcripts) at the bottom of their video. In the past, subtitles were thought of as support for those with hearing impairments, however, in today’s current culture, subtitles are convenient for anyone and everyone. Having subtitles on your video allows people to watch your video without sound, meaning they can view it anywhere—on the bus, at work, sitting next to their significant other on the couch—without disturbing the people around them. Including video transcripts also boosts your SEO because search engines have more content to crawl through and can present these findings to potential consumers.


You can invest a mountain of time and effort into creating product videos, but without a captivating thumbnail (or a cover photo) for your video, people may simply pass it by. When it comes to your video, create a thumbnail that grabs the audience’s attention and lets the audience get a sneak peek as to what your video contains.

Title and Description

Another way to boost your SEO in product videos is to strategize the title and description of your video. The words you use for your title and description should be carefully calculated. These words will be used by search engines and will determine if your video suits a consumer’s search. Incorporate strong keywords in both your title and description, but make sure they both remain clear and easy to understand.

Start Creating Product Videos

Product videos are a great way to boost your SEO in Google search results. With the proper title, description, thumbnail, and video transcripts, you will greatly increase your chances of being found within a consumer’s search results.

If you find yourself confused and could use a helping hand, Fiverr has video creation and online video marketing strategies ready and waiting. Whether you’re looking to create unboxing videos, custom 3D product animations, or even product photography to use as your video thumbnail, Fiverr has bountiful options to help your business flourish.

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