Business Tips

Gig Economy News: Good Business

Fiverr Team
July 14, 2018

Good business is not just about having good product, it’s about the art of connecting. Whether you are in a real-life networking situation or on a social media network, connecting to potential partners is a non-negotiable in order to succeed. No matter what your personal style and skills are, the way you utilize your strengths and your resources in order to connect to others can define the path your business takes. Here are a few articles from around the web to help you make the best connections possible in all aspects of your entrepreneurship.

Beyond the Basics

It’s old news that your professional social media presence should be a key part of your marketing and branding strategy. However, beyond that, we’ve noticed that a lot of the advice out there is pretty vague, so we decided to ask an expert for real advice that you can put to use. Check out our recent interview with Fiverr Pro, thebrandninja, to see what he has to say about social media strategy.

The Right Connections

It’s good to have friends in high places, and in today’s social media world that means it’s good to be friends with influencers. Getting your brand mentioned by a successful social media influencer can bring a huge credibility boost, and a major bump in your sales. How to reach influencers successfully though may seem a bit daunting, but these tips from The Next Web should help you get started.

Stand Out

One of the most important cornerstones of a successful strategy is defining your unique selling proposition. Today, it’s more important than ever before to set yourself apart from other businesses in your field. If you’re well prepared with you unique selling proposition, you’ll be better positioned to pump your business to online and offline connections alike. Take a look at our recent article on how to pinpoint and perfect yours.

A Fair Shake

In offline networking situations, the simplest gesture can be one of the most intimidating for freelancers and entrepreneurs: the handshake. This small formality can define the first impression you create of yourself, and your business, in the eyes of potential customers, investors, suppliers, or anyone else who is critical to your business. Luckily, we’ve found this list of 20 Do’s and Don’ts for the perfect handshake that will make you a networking star.How do you connect to others both online and off to grow your business? Tell us in the comments!

Fiverr Team
Whether you’re scaling up your small business or building a brand from scratch, we’ve got the resources you need to keep you informed and at the top of your game.
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