Freelancer Tips

Using YouTube for Business

Nicolo Grossi
January 2, 2019
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Are you using YouTube to promote your business yet? If not, you'd better start now (or even better, yesterday). With 1.9 billion monthly users, YouTube covers almost one-third of the Internet population. Plus, on mobile alone, it reaches more 18 to 34-year-olds than any US TV network. And the YouTube app has been installed 5 billion times from the Play Store. Bottom line: you can't ignore YouTube as a platform for marketing your business.

If you're not used to creating videos, you might not know where to start. And that large audience means there's a heck of a lot of competition. Let's face it. Creating videos and launching a successful YouTube channel can be a lot of work. But it doesn't need to be. You can get a lot of the video marketing services you need to make it a smooth and easy process right here on Fiverr. In this guide we are going to show you:

  1. The types of videos that you need to launch your YouTube channel

  2. YouTube marketing tactics you can use to grow your channel subscriber numbers

  3. How to optimize your videos for more views and conversions

By the end, you will know exactly how to use Fiverr to create your video channel from scratch, and use YouTube successfully to grow your business.

According to Cisco online video will make up 82% of all internet traffic by 2021, with live videos leading the trend (ref: techcrunch)

  1. Four Video Types EVERY business can use
  2. So, where do you get started with your YouTube channel? Before you get to marketing and optimizing, you first need to create some videos. Here are some common video types any business can use to create a successful YouTube channel.

Explainer Videos

    Explainer videos
    are short videos that introduce your business. They can be dramatic, humorous, or play it straight, but the point is to let your audience know what you do and how you help them. While some explainer videos feature people in your company, or actors, other popular formats include
    whiteboard or animated videos
Explainer Video Freelancers
explainer video gig
Explainer video Gig offer
Fiver explainer video gig offer

How-to Videos

    How-to videos are tutorials that show how to carry out a particular action. These can also help to highlight your brand, and convince viewers that your product is easy to use. Research from Wyzowl shows that 81% of people decide to buy after watching a video from a brand. Here's an example on an how-to video from Fiverr's official Youtube channel.

Tutorial Video Freelancers
Video tutorial gig offer
Fiverr video tutorial gig offer

Promo Videos

    Promo videos
    can be used to promote an online event and to connect personally with the people that you want to attend it. They'll show off the best features of what you're promoting to win viewers' interest. For example, the
    Year of Do
    campaign focused on the entrepreneurs, doers and creators who are the backbone of Fiverr's community.
Promo Video Freelancers
Promo video gig offer
Fiverr promo video gig
Fiverr promo video gig offer

Product Videos

    Product videos
    provide an overview of your product or service. They allow your audience to easily visualize themselves using your product. Don't be afraid to use humor in showcasing product features. For example, Fiverr's
    Learn from fiverr
    introductory video shows a seller using the newly educational platform launched in October 2018.
Product Video Freelancers
Fiverr pro product video gig
Product video gig offer
Product video Fiverr Gig
    Whichever type of video you choose, plan your video content just as you plan all other forms of content. That means thinking about:
  • The audience for your video

  • The main message you want to get across (your intent)

  • The structure and tone of the video and the video script

  • The call to action (what you want viewers to do next)

    You can also hire a Fiverr seller to provide a customized
    video intro
    and title screen to make your videos more appealing. Once you have a few videos, then it's time to think about how to get more video views and subscribers. We'll look at that in the next section.
  1. YouTube Marketing Funnels
  2. There's little point in making videos unless someone's going to see them. That's why, in this section, we focus on subscriber numbers and
    to make YouTube into a worthwhile and profitable channel for your business.

Why Do Subscribers Matter?

    Your success on YouTube is directly relevant to the number of subscribers you have. That's because subscriber numbers affect both your rankings and engagement. When people search, YouTube is more likely to show videos that people like, share, and comment on, so it's important to encourage this behavior.
    Plus boosting subscriber numbers gives you additional options for earning money via the YouTube platform. You'll need
    at least 1,000 subscribers
    and 4,000 hours of watch time to qualify for YouTube's monetization features.

The Email Marketing Funnel

    Email marketing
    is one of the best ways to grow your business. People like getting relevant emails from the companies they're connected with. Email marketing works to help you grow your business with YouTube in two ways:
  1. It's part of your marketing funnel, enticing subscribers to join your email list, so that you can nurture them with content and encourage them to buy

  2. You can share YouTube content via your emails to keep the list engaged while growing your channel subscriber numbers
Email Marketing Freelancers
Email marketing gig
Fiverr email marketing gig
email marketing fiverr gig offer

If you're using YouTube as part of your email marketing funnel, you'll create an opt-in form. This can pop up when people land on your site, appear after they have looked at some content, or sit permanently in the sidebar or within your content. Most opt-in forms include a lead magnet to encourage people to sign up. This can be a YouTube video.

Since most content on YouTube is available for free, consider making your lead magnet video private or unlisted. If your subscribers can't get access any other way, that makes it a real incentive to join your list. Once people are on your email list, you can set up an email marketing sequence to boost their engagement with your YouTube channel.

Create videos that answer common questions about your business, then share these via email. In fact, include video regularly as part of your content. One study shows that just adding the word "video" to the email subject line boosts open rates by 19%.

The Subscriber Funnel

    As we said, if you're using YouTube as a business promotion tool, then you need to grow your subscriber numbers. In addition to email, there are other tactics you can use. Here are some examples:
  • Share your videos in relevant online communities and forums, provided self-promotion is allowed there
  • Make videos in answer to the top Quora questions in your niche then share them as part of your answer
  • Run a competition via a platform like Gleam. Make sure however that you don't contravene YouTube's contest rules
  • Include a link to your YouTube channel in every email you send
  • Use video thumbnails within email content to increase views
The best way to get more subscribers on YouTube? Ask people to subscribe (Brian Dean - Backlinko)
    You can also
    hire YouTube specialists
    on Fiverr to promote your videos.
  1. Optimize Your Videos for Click-Throughs

With so many YouTube users, it's essential to optimize your videos to get more click-throughs therefore views. That means looking after your:

  • Video title, thumbnail and description

  • Channel layout

  • SEO

You also have to pay attention to running your own promotions and gaining subscribers by collaborating with other YouTube users. Let's look at each of these in turn...

Create Video Titles, Thumbnails and Descriptions To Boost Your CTR

Your video title, thumbnail and description are crucial factors in determining whether people will click on your video or not. Bottom line: If YouTube viewers do not click on your video, then you're sending a very bad signal which will directly affect your rankings and visibility. Make no mistake: your video title, apart of being a primary SEO ranking factor it's what people see first. Make sure it stands out to get more click-throughs. Consider getting expert help from a Fiverr creative writer so you get a channel title that wows potential subscribers.

Customize Your Channel Layout

It's important to show your best content to new visitors to your YouTube profile. That's why you should customize the layout of your channel. Some good ways to make your channel more appealing include:

  • Having a promotional trailer for your channel to tell people what to expect

  • Choosing the right video thumbnails to get viewers' attention and make them want to click

  • Add sections to your channel to organize your content

  • Creating playlists to organize videos into themes, and encourage viewers to watch all the videos

  • Suggesting content viewers can watch

Doing all this can be time consuming so consider hiring a Fiverr expert to make your channel pop!

Look After YouTube SEO

YouTube has great search features. It is a Google company, after all. So it shouldn't be a surprise that if you want people to find your videos, you'll have to do some YouTube SEO.First, find out what people are looking for by typing in your keywords and looking at the autocomplete entries. Another tip is to check out the most popular videos in your category and see what keywords they're optimized for.

Hint: check out the title and description for a head start on this. You can also use the vidIQ Chrome extension to see if there are any tags.

Search for the same keywords in Google. When you're done, you'll have a list of keywords to use in optimizing your video main SEO elements such as the video title, description and tags. Again, SEO is a specialist task, so consider hiring a YouTube SEO expert on Fiverr if you want to get this right.

Promote Your Videos on YouTube

You can also promote your videos by using ads on YouTube. A common way to do this is via a Google Ads (formerly AdWords) campaign. This involves:

  • Finding the right keywords

  • Selecting where you want your ads to appear

  • Choosing your audience (including the language and location)

  • Determining your budget and how often people will see your ads

You can also use short bumper ads of 6 seconds or less that show before a video. Consider getting help with creating your YouTube advertising strategy and campaigns so you can achieve maximum reach.

Collaborate with Other YouTubers

Cross-promotion is always a good strategy, as it gives each person access to a new audience. It works well on YouTube, too. First, you'll need to find someone with a similar size audience and reach who covers a topic that will interest your subscribers. Then you can work together on a video. Interviews and talking heads videos are two examples. Done right, collaboration can help you engineer a dramatic increase in video views and channel subscriber numbers.

Collaborating is one of the fastest ways to build an audience on YouTube, and to build relationships inside the vibrant and active community of creators (YouTube creator academy)

Use Channel Cards

Finally, consider using channel cards. These let you add links, images and calls to action within your video to keep your audience engaged by adding an interactive element.

That's it! Follow these tips and you'll soon be able to have a thriving YouTube channel that grows your business, with the help of our experts on Fiverr.

Useful YouTube Resources

Nicolo Grossi
SEO & content marketing expert with 7+ years experience, working at Fiverr since 2016 Nicolo is responsible to follow and implement SEO’s best practices and inbound marketing strategies in order to increase reach and exposure.
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