Freelancer Tips

Three Tips For Finding the Right Fiverr Mentor

Ben Conde
December 22, 2016
Fiverr mentor

Consulting experienced freelancers is essential to successfully navigating the Gig economy. However, finding a real-life mentor in a competitive online marketplace is easier said than done. Real-life seller Charles shares his experience in this three-part series dedicated to helping our community members connect with and learn from other Fiverr sellers.In the first post in this three-part series on finding a Fiverr mentor, we discussed why you need a mentor in today’s freelancing landscape, what mentorship looks like in our modern society, and the absolute best way to find a mentor. Now let’s review three powerful ways to find a mentor to help you succeed as a Fiverr freelancer. Doing research is the best way to learn about potential sellers who could be mentors, as well as understanding the ins and outs of what successful sellers do that work, how things seem through the eyes of a buyer, and gain a deeper appreciation for what it takes to succeed as a freelancer. This allows you to approach your work with your mentor with zest and a willingness to learn, because if you are not open to learning and doing the work it takes to succeed, no mentorship will be fruitful.

Did You See That Forum Post?

The newly revamped Fiverr Forum is a great place to seek mentorship. You can use it to seek temporary mentorship for a temporary issue, or you can use it to find more permanent mentorship with an experienced seller. If you are looking for a temporary mentorship, then you can post your concern in a new post in the forum and ask for feedback. As it is human nature to want to be heard, you most likely will get a response. If the responses meet your needs, you have found your temporary mentorship. However, if you still need clarification, make a contact. Reply to a person’s request to ask if you can contact them individually for more advice. Or, search the forum archives for the answer to your concern. Please be considerate when posting in the forum, as the forum rules ensure a positive experience for everyone.If you want to find a more long-term relationship, the forum is still a great place to look. Keep an eye out for sellers who use the forum frequently and post useful information. Contact that seller and let them know you appreciate the information they share on the forum and you find it helpful. Then ask them if they would be comfortable providing feedback on a specific issue. If the seller agrees, and you are pleased with the response, you can ask if it is okay to contact them in the future if you have a question. The key is to be polite and ask permission for advice. Never assume because someone posts on the forum they are open to contact. Treat the forum as a real in-person conversation: Use manners and ask permission before delving into deeper details. If you do this, the forum is a powerful tool for mentorship.

Go Digging for Gigs

If you already sell or know what you want to sell here on Fiverr, then search your category for sellers who are finding success. Success does not always mean that person is a top-rated seller. Success means the seller has a Gig that appeals to you and is one you would be proud to sell and buy from. A seller with a Gig like this tells you they may have similarities to you and can guide you in a direction you want to go on Fiverr. When you find a seller like this you have two options. One option is to buy that seller’s Gig. Learn what the buying experience is like with that seller. You already saw the Gig setup, and now you can experience the rest of the purchasing process. This may give you some insight into how to become better on Fiverr. Option two is to contact the seller, compliment them on their Gig, explain what you are trying to achieve, and see if they would be willing to help you in a small capacity. You can even start by asking them how they got to where they are. If the seller says no, then move on. Modeling a seller you admire, not stealing, is a great way to learn how to succeed on Fiverr, especially if the seller is willing to work with you as a mentor.

Become a Buyer

It is not uncommon for sellers to start out on Fiverr as buyers. After purchasing so many Gigs, the seller reasons they can sell on Fiverr. Many become successful and still remain buyers. Some realize it is not their cup of tea altogether. Either way, they make a decision. Starting as a buyer has huge benefits to becoming a successful seller. For starters, you learn what it is like from the buyer’s perspective. You see what poor communication is like. You experience a late sale. You recognize pricing strategies. You appreciate sellers who go the extra mile. You start to recognize what a genuine seller looks and sounds like. These are invaluable lessons that you can use when you start to sell, or even after you have been selling for a while. When you walk a mile in a buyer’s shoes, you become that much better a seller.As you can see, doing research is fundamental to finding the right mentor. But it is also fundamental for understanding the platform. With a better understanding of Fiverr and how it works for buyers and sellers, you can ask your mentor the right questions and get the most from the experience. In the final post in this three-part series of finding a mentor on Fiverr, we will look at three more top tips to find a mentor and tie it all together. Stay tuned.How did you find your mentor? Tell us in the comments below!

Ben Conde
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