Freelancer Tips

The Fiverr Notifications Redesign is Here

Adam Aviv
May 4, 2016
||notification redesign

As you might have noticed, we’ve redesigned Fiverr notifications system…and it’s beautiful! We’re really excited about the changes, so read on to get the full context of the updates we’ve made, a summary of the biggest highlights, and find out how you can share your feedback with us.


Real talk: our previous notifications system was a mess. In the past, we bombarded users like you with so many different notifications that it was unclear what the truly important, high-priority updates were. We identified orders via order numbers, a string of indecipherable letters and numbers that weren’t a meaningful point of reference. We know that notifications are an essential tool to give you the information you need to keep track of order status and for us to communicate important actions for you to take, so we knew we had to do better.

What Changed

We were aware of the pain points of the existing system (too many notifications, confusing phrasing, etc), so we immediately jumped into brainstorming, researching ways to communicate notifications as clearly and simply as possible. We then set about redesigning the system from the ground up. It was exhausting, but we’re really strong. Here’s a summary of changes you’ll notice:

  • Each order notification represents a single order.
  • Goodbye order numbers! In the new system, you can recognize the order by the user name and image, the Gig thumbnail, and the subcategory that it belongs to. Order status indicated by an icon.
  • If you have multiple new updates for the same order, a number will indicate it.
  • The notification copy is short and precise, emphasizing the most important next step for you to take.
  • It’s fast and easy to mark notifications as read/unread.
  • You get a full page view of your notifications, inside your dashboard.

What’s Next

If you'd like to learn more about how to best take advantage of the new Notifications System, check out our tutorial below:

Fiverr - Notifications Overview from Fiverr on Vimeo. We want our notifications system to be as useful as possible and are looking to you, the community, to provide us with your thoughts as we continue to iterate and improve on it. So don’t be shy - share your feedback!

Adam Aviv
Product Manager in the Seller Experience Team and Payments Team. Working at Fiverr since 2014, Adam leads production groups that build and improve Fiverr, to make selling and buying easy and enjoyable.
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