Content Marketing

The #1 Reason Why You Need Content Marketing

Nicole Leinbach Reyhle
March 22, 2016
Setting a Content marketing Strategy Plan

Let’s get straight to the point here… content marketing offers value to customers in a way unlike ever before. Different than traditional advertising, content marketing has transformed the way businesses interact with customers primarily thanks to social media and email marketing.Brands and businesses are able to more easily communicate with their audiences while simultaneously strengthening their brand reputation. And just when you think it sounds too good to be true, consider the value that content marketing can offer you in terms of SEO.The catch? Quality, of course. It’s vital to create strong content that speaks to your target audience and delivers value to your social media, email marketing and overall brand efforts. Trusting in expert writers can help you achieve this, along with understanding the following tips in an effort to create the most dynamic, worth wild content for your business possible.

1. Content Marketing Helps You Better Understand Your Customers

Want to hear from your customers? Give them a reason to talk to you. That something – as it turns out – can be content.When you share content via social media, email marketing or any other avenue that may work for your business, your end goal should be to share something that your target audience will either learn from or react to… or both. Often, this will mean they will reply with their own thoughts directly via social media.Other times it may mean they will share their thoughts with a comment directly on your blog or website. Either way, you are now connecting with customers in a way you could not do without content marketing. Use this as an opportunity to engage with them, listen to them and ultimately, to respond to them with more content marketing or other business efforts that can help you strengthen your overall brand.

2. Content Marketing Allows You to Strengthen Your Brand Awareness

Brand awareness should always be top of mind as you build and grow your business, which is yet another reason why content marketing is so valuable. When you create strong content, you also create an audience that looks forward to reading it. This growth increases over time, particularly when you are updating content often. Additionally, strong content opens up the opportunity to gain email addresses from those looking to be on your subscription newsletter list. Don’t have one of those? That’s something to consider, also. The main takeaway here, however, is that content can help strengthen brand visibility… so it’s important to deliver content often and content that adds value to your brand, business and customers for consistent recognition in an undoubtedly competitive marketplace.

3. Content Marketing Strengthens Your SEO

Who doesn’t want stronger ranking among search engines? Nowadays, content is one of the top ways to gain this type of quality placement within SEO. The best part is that when you consistently deliver strong content, your SEO ranking increases and more often positions you to be seen among those looking for your type of expertise or business. Make sure you do not just load up articles with buzz words, however, and think that will do the trick. Instead, take the time to create engaging content that provokes social media shares, countless page clicks and interaction in general. This will also help your SEO success.

4. Content Marketing Keeps You Relevant

And finally, folks, here is the #1 reason you need to be using content marketing for your business… Relevance.Being relevant in today’s saturated marketplace of freelancers and small business owners is absolutely vital in keeping your brand and business successful. Strong logos, stellar customer service, outstanding products and services and more will all help your brand find profit and success – yet content marketing is what will keep your business top of mind among customers, deliver value to new and existing consumers alike and open up an avenue of communication for you to engage and interact with customers.Combined with the value content can offer you in terms of SEO, you have no excuse to overlook content marketing for your business. In fact – not loving to write isn’t even an excuse thanks to freelance writers, making it easy to begin your content marketing right away. After all, it’s consistency that will really help build that relevance we all hope to achieve. Have anything to add? Share with us in the comments below.

Nicole Leinbach Reyhle
Nicole Leinbach Reyhle is the Founder and Publisher of Retail Minded, the Co-Founder of the Independent Retailer Conference and a regular contributor to various publications. Additionally, Reyhle is the Author of the book “Retail 101: The Guide to Managing and Marketing Your Retail Business” from McGraw-Hill and has been the Spokesperson for Small Business Saturday from American Express since 2014. Follow Reyhle on Twitter at @RetailMinded.
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