Programming & Tech

HTML Arrows: What They Are and How to Use Them

Fiverr Team
October 7, 2021
HTML Arrows

The arrow is a universal symbol used to represent direction or a particular position. We see arrows, pointers, and directional indicators in virtually every aspect of our lives- on traffic signs, road maps, signage in large public spaces, as well as the digital world.

When designing a website, an HTML arrow can be inserted to indicate direction position on a webpage. You'll find HTML arrows on about any modern website in one form or another.

This article will review what HTML arrows are, why they're helpful, and what you can do with them. Then we'll show step-by-step how to add arrows in HTML. By the end of this post, you should have a basic knowledge of how to insert your own HTML arrow(s) in the code editor on your web design platform.

What is an HTML Arrow?

Let's take a step back. What is HTML? HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is the standard markup language used in web documents and design. Essentially, it's a series of characters consisting of symbols, numbers, and letters that communicate what should be displayed on a web page via the web browser.

An HTML Arrow is an arrow that can be entered in an editor or a web page's HTML. It will appear as a glyph from the character pre-set or whatever font is used in the HTML web document.

Four standard arrows correspond with the cardinal directions- north, south, east, and west. However, a more comprehensive selection of arrow characters can be found in the universal Unicode Table Chart.

What You Can Do with HTML Arrows

  • Guide seamless website navigation
  • Use for sliding or changing pages
  • Indicate direction in an infographic or chart
  • Create step-by-step instructions
  • Improve SEO with touches of custom code

Believe it or not, you can get creative with how you use the characters. If placed correctly, HTML arrows complement modern web design and enhance the user experience for visitors browsing a website.

How to Use HTML Arrows

Typically, characters are inserted in a website's code editor or web design platform. You can use one of three code options to display the HTML Arrow on a webpage.

HTML5 Entity Code: &Code;

An entity is a string of text that ordinarily begins with an ampersand and ends with a semicolon. The text between the two characters describes what the code is meant to display.

Decimal Character Code: &#Code;

A decimal code is assigned to all characters Unicode. This code, again, begins with an ampersand "&," followed by a hashtag "#" and the designated numeric code, ending with a semicolon.

Hexidecimal Character Code: &#XCode;

A hexadecimal code may be used as well. The format is nearly the same as a decimal code with the addition of "X" between the hashtag "#" and the start of the specific numeric code. And again, ending in a semicolon ";".

Keep in mind—the standard Unicode language does not create entity codes, so you'll have to use the Decimal or Hexidecimal Code to define the character to produce the same results.

How to Create HTML Arrows

You'll find that creating HTML arrows is pretty straightforward, but if one character is inputted incorrectly, the web browser cannot translate the code. Instead of an arrow character, you'll see the series of symbols, letters, and numbers that you tried to enter. Use the correct characters and combinations to ensure that the HTML arrows properly display on the web document.

Pro Tip: There are a ton of HTML Character Table Charts online, so find one you prefer and bookmark it to use for reference.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to draw arrows in HTML.

Step One

Choose which type of arrow character you'd like to create. For this beginner's guide, we'll use basic characters that indicate the four primary directions: right arrow, left arrow, up arrow, and down arrow.

Step Two

Find the corresponding entity code, decimal code, or hexadecimal code for the arrow character you'd like to use. Below, you'll find the codes you can use to create an arrow character. All three options produce the same results.

HTML Left Arrow

  • Entity: ←    
  • Decimal:    ←    
  • Hexidecimal: ←

HTML Right Arrow

  • Entity: →
  • Decimal:    →
  • Hexidecimal: →

HTML Up Arrow

  • Entity: ↑    
  • Decimal:    ↑
  • Hexidecimal: ↑

HTML Down Arrow

  • Entity: ↓
  • Decimal:     ↓
  • Hexidecimal: ↓

Step Three

Next, insert the code(s) directly into HTML. Edit tools utilizing a visual mode may not properly translate the code, so we recommend using an editing tool in text mode.

Step Four

Double-check the code to make sure you've entered it correctly. Click "Save" and refresh the web document. You should see the codes translated into the four corresponding arrow characters.

Add Custom Design to Your Website Using HTML Arrows

Custom HTML can do wonders for SEO and the general aesthetic of a web document. Whether you're creating custom infographics, a landing page, or building a website from scratch, HTML can substantially enhance your web design.

Now that you've learned the basics of HTML and how to use and generate arrow characters, you're ready to add a touch of custom code anywhere on your website.

Hire a Fiverr Web Programming Expert

If you're short on time or need to focus on other web tasks, consider hiring a Fiverr freelancer specializing in HTML, CSS, or JavaScript coding. Our expert team of web programmers will help save you time on your digital products while adding unique customization built just for you.

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