
How to Set Up A Successful Crowdfunding Campaign

Matt Jensen
November 3, 2017

Crowdfunding is a great way to start a business or take it to the next level. Engaging with potential donors also helps gauge what customers want from you and how much they're willing to pay for it. Crowdfunding is different from other styles of fundraising and investing and so you'll need the help of people who understand its intricacies. Here's the kind of talent you'll need (all available on Fiverr) to help you hit your targets.

Graphic Designer

If the growth of your business is dependent on the success of the crowdfunding campaign, you need to look professional from the get-go. Get an attractive logo from a graphic designer to display at the top of the campaign page or to use in a banner graphic as required by sites like Indiegogo. A graphic designer can also create attractive headers and section separators to part your sea of text with refreshing visual stimulation. The more time a potential donor spends looking at a campaign, the more chances you have to convince them to contribute, so make sure there is plenty to catch the eye without getting boring.

Campaign Writer

You're asking for money, so you need to make a compelling case. Crowdfunding often asks for people to connect on a personal level with you and your ambitions. Your donors need to know who you are, how they can benefit by supporting you, and what risks and challenges you face. And all that needs to be topped off with a convincing pitch. Crowdfunding is such a huge industry that there are now many people who specialize in campaign writing. Some, like manyglyphs, write such persuasive pitches that their clients earn double their goal amount.

Video Personality

Showing a real, passionate person on your campaign page will inspire potential donors to believe in your initiative. In fact, campaigns with videos have a 50% higher success rate. Choose from the bevy of charismatic spokespeople you can find on Fiverr to draw donations with their magnetic personalities. You can provide a script yourself, hire a scriptwriter, or let the spokesperson weave their own magic.You might be tempted to share all of your ambitions in one video, but aim for no more than two minutes. A shorter length motivates the spokesperson to pack more punch per second to create a video that people will want to watch again, rather than possibly not finish at all.


Crowdfunding campaigns typically only last for 30 to 60 days. To reach your goal before that time is up, you need a media blitzkrieg that doesn't stop and doesn't sleep. Turn to a professional promoter to keep the marketing front progressing (you could even employ a few who speak different languages). They will regularly post on social media, as well as popular blogs and forums that you might not have access to. And they will keep creating fresh posts every few days to make sure your campaign is not forgotten or overlooked.

Campaign Manager

Concentrate on your business and leave the campaign completely in the capable hands of a manager or consultant like sally_richard. A campaign manager can analyze your proposal and goals to determine what tone you need in the writing and design, and help pinpoint the right audiences of potential donors.Donors want to see that you have an ongoing, active interest in your own campaign. Posting updates and fresh news to your campaign every few days will keep it thriving. A manager can take the content produced by your writer and graphic designer and package it into regular campaign updates. They can also provide timely answers to donor questions and comments. Sometimes campaigns trend below their fundraising goal, which can discourage other donors from joining in. A campaign manager knows how to make course corrections that can reel in more donations, fix the trend, and keep your campaign afloat.

Have you used crowdfunding to start or expand your business? Did Fiverr doers help you reach your funding goals? Let us know your experience in the comments!

Matt Jensen
Growing and engaging communities for 10 years, I engage Fiverr's digital communities. Helping both sellers and buyers colaborate and share ideas with each other.
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