Marketing Strategy

How to Prepare a Holiday Content Strategy

Fiverr Team
November 1, 2022
Content Strategy

Halloween. Thanksgiving. Christmas. Hanukkah. New Year's Eve. This quarter is so full of holidays, and that’s not even a complete list.

With so many festivities on the horizon, it’s time to take advantage of them in your content marketing strategy.

What Is Content Marketing?

Content marketing can help you connect with your audience and promote your brand. It's creating and sharing online materials (such as videos, blog posts, and social media images) that generate interest in your company’s offerings.

Why You Need A Holiday Content Strategy

During the holiday season, when everyone is vying for attention, getting relevant content in front of your audience is more critical than ever. The right material can help you stand out from the crowd and increase your bottom line.

If you're ready to  jump on the holiday content bandwagon, here are a few benefits you can expect:

1. Reach A Wider Audience

People shop around for gifts, decorations, and holiday activities during the holidays. So it’s the perfect time to introduce your small business to a broader audience.

2. Generate Leads And Sales

Your content isn't just a gift for your audience. It's also an opportunity to generate leads and sales. Using holiday content as a call-to-action encourages people to buy your product or use your service.

3. Strengthen Customer Relationships

The holidays are a time for connection and togetherness. And by creating holiday content, you can show your audience that you're more than just a business — you're a part of the community.

How To Make A Holiday Content Strategy

While holiday marketing can be fun, you can't just slap up some red and green flashing lights on your website and call it a day. You need to have a plan.

To create a holiday content strategy that works, here's what you need to do:

1. Set Goals

First, you have to set some goals for your holiday content marketing campaign. What do you want to achieve?

Are you looking to increase brand awareness? Drive traffic to your website? Generate leads or sales? Once you know why you're creating holiday content, you can more easily create material that supports your goals.

2. Know Your Audience

Before you start cranking out holiday content, you need to know who you're writing for. What are their interests? How do they celebrate the holidays? And which ones do they celebrate?

If you don’t research, you’ll send out content that doesn’t resonate with your audience. And then, it won’t make it through the noise of this busy season.

3. Create A Content Calendar

To make things easy on yourself, create a content calendar that outlines when you'll publish each piece of content and what platform you'll use. This way, you can plan ahead and make sure your holiday content is distributed evenly throughout the season.

4. Create (Or Outsource) Your Content

Now it's time to start writing (or outsourcing) your holiday content. If you're creating the content yourself, ensure it's well-written, engaging, and relevant to your audience. Then, share it on various platforms.

5. Analyze And Adjust

Finally, don't forget to analyze your holiday content marketing campaign after it's over. See what worked and what didn't. It’ll help you fine-tune your strategy for next year.

Tips On Executing A Successful Holiday Content Strategy

Here are a few tips on how to make sure your holiday content marketing campaign is successful:

  • Start early: The holidays are busy. So avoid the holiday rush and start planning (and creating) your content now.
  • Be creative: There are a lot of businesses vying for attention during the holidays. You won’t stand out if your content looks like everyone else’s.
  • Offer holiday discounts: Everyone loves a good holiday sale! Include discount codes in your content.
  • Be consistent: Publish new holiday content all season long to keep your audience coming back for more.

Grow Your Business With Festive Content  

‘Tis the season for holiday content! Creating and promoting holiday content can reach a larger audience, boost sales, and grow your business. So what are you waiting for? Get started on your holiday content marketing strategy today!

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