E-Commerce Management

How to Optimize Your Product Page to Increase Sales

Fiverr Team
July 18, 2022
product page

Learning how to optimize your product pages can make or break your ecommerce business.

Without optimizing product pages for conversions, all the work you put into traffic generation and ecommerce marketing won’t matter.

After all, what’s the point of herding thousands of people over to your online store if not a single one takes out their wallet, right?

That has to change. Below is a quick compilation of product page optimization frequently asked questions and strategies every ecommerce brand should know.  

Product Page Optimization FAQs

What Is Product Page Optimization?

Product page optimization includes creating, adjusting, and testing product page elements to increase conversion rates. It helps businesses turn more visitors into paying customers, increasing profits.

How Can I Improve My Product Page?

Ways to optimize your product page:

  1. Eliminate visual distractions
  2. Use trust-building elements
  3. Focus on the customer’s pain points
  4. Integrate powerful visuals
  5. Optimize your product page for mobile users
  6. Improve page loading speed
  7. Target transactional intent keywords
  8. Write great product page copy
  9. Split test product pages

How Do You Write SEO-Friendly Product Descriptions?

Tips for creating SEO-friendly product descriptions:

  1. Research low-difficulty keywords with reasonable search volumes
  2. Conduct competitor research and borrow content ideas
  3. Use tools like Surfer SEO for on-page optimization
  4. Mention keywords in subheadings and image alt text tags
  5. Use the “Product” schema markup

9 Product Page Optimization Best Practices

Below are the nine essential practices to optimize your ecommerce product pages:

1. Show Less to Convert More

The golden rule of modern website design is to keep it simple.

Eliminate visual clutter and distractions, like ads and excessive decorative elements, to create a smoother user experience. This approach enables your customers to focus on elements that matter, like your product’s highlights, product photos, and CTA buttons.

2. Feature Elements That Build Trust

Encourage more customers to purchase with trust-building elements, such as product reviews and customer testimonials.

Up to 78% of consumers trust online reviews just like personal recommendations. To build buyer confidence, you can also showcase organic social media posts with your product, star ratings, and accreditations.

3. Touch Your Target Audience’s Pain Points

Make your product page copy about your target audience’s goals — not your brand.

Remember, most customers buy something to solve their problems. They don’t take out their wallets just because they love a brand.

And even if they love a brand and are highly supportive of it, they wouldn’t be spending money if they don’t get any direct value from doing so.

Emphasize your customer’s pain points using a bulleted list, customer stories, statistics, and other relatable information. Then, establish your product as the ultimate solution to those challenges.

4. Use Eye-Popping Visuals

Put relevant visuals like product photos and explainer videos above the fold. These are crucial to landing page design, especially in directing the user’s attention.

To make visuals more authentic and compelling, show products being used in realistic scenarios. Don’t just publish product photos from different angles.

5. Think About Mobile-Friendliness

Keep the user experience consistent across devices with Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test. This tool automatically detects mobile optimization issues on a website while providing actionable recommendations.

6. Optimize Loading Speed

Fact: Over 53% of users leave a website that needs over three seconds to load.

Retain more potential customers by optimizing your product page’s loading speed. Analyze and solve performance-related issues with a tool like GTmetrix or PageSpeed Insights.

7. Target Keywords with Transactional Intent

Optimize your product pages for keywords with transactional intent. These are keywords used by customers when they’re ready to buy.

Target keywords with terms like “order,” “buy,” or “price.” Keyword research tools like Semrush and Ubersuggest make these keywords easier to spot.

8. Write Stellar Copy

Hire seasoned product copywriters to get unique, conversion-optimized content for your product pages.

Brilliant product page copy increases user engagement and builds the customer’s interest in your product. It must be informative, focused on their goals, and free from errors that disrupt the user experience.

9. A/B Test Everything

Split test product pages to unlock their maximum conversion potential faster.

Split or A/B testing involves using multiple versions of the same page simultaneously. The performance of variations will then be analyzed and compared—helping businesses create the best possible version of their product page.

Optimize Your Product Pages Like a Pro

Building conversion-optimized product pages is an art that requires the right skills, experience, and dedication to quality.

Fiverr’s collective of product page service providers can help with your optimization efforts. Let them handle the time-consuming work and concentrate on other meaningful tasks for your ecommerce brand.

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