
Focus in on Fiverr’s New Photography Services

Fiverr Team
February 22, 2023
Fiverr Photography

Great photography sells. 

Realtors can double their commission if they hire a photographer to shoot their listings, while your start-up could boost its social engagement by up to 80% with professional, naturally-styled images.

The bottom line is high-quality photography fosters trust and credibility while enhancing customer engagement. And in a world where first impressions count—and are made in the first 50 milliseconds of someone looking at your website—professional photography services are a must. 

But, not all photographers are created equal. The whiz who styled your vacation rental won’t necessarily be the best person to consign your charity gala or private function to video. That’s why each photography professional on Fiverr brings unique skillsets and experiences to enhance specific industries.

So, whether you’re representing real estate, promoting an event, updating your brand images, or marketing your restaurant blog, Fiverr’s new-look photography services make it even easier for you to find the right expert for your job. 

What Photography Services are Now Available on Fiverr?

Our product photography and local photography services are now divided into nine subcategories, so you can more easily find a photographer specializing in your required niche from our global talent pool.

What’s more, professional photographers on Fiverr go beyond simply capturing images. They also provide post-production services like editing and touch-ups or other photography-related services, including model casting and styling. And, you can always check out a selection of their previous work to find the local photographer who matches you or your brand’s style, feel, and personality.

Just tap on the search bar to find the following new service options. You can also now book photography services at a location of your choice, with our range of specialist freelance photographers offering services both remotely and in person. 

1. Product Photographers

Need to update product images on your website? Planning a global ad campaign? Or perhaps you’re ready to launch your latest line. If you run an ecommerce business, high-quality product photography is vital to increase conversion rates and create a cohesive brand image. When your customers can’t physically pick up your products, your images need to make the sale instead.

Product photography on Fiverr can be as easy as box-up, stamp, and send. That's because many of the product photographers will offer a fully remote service. Send them your products and leave them to work their magic creating backdrops and photo set-ups that will make your products pop. 

There’s an element of trust here as you won't be able to input your ideas during the shoot. So, research beforehand to ensure you’re happy with the style your chosen photographer usually creates, and give them a detailed brief on your aims and expectations before they start.  

Product Photography by @likaalavidze

2. Portrait Photographers

Do you need a portrait photographer? You might if you’re an actor updating headshots for auditions, a brand rolling out a new ad, or a business wanting to show off the faces that make it tick.

Portrait photographers produce images of individuals or groups that you can use to sell yourself or your business, illustrate how your products work, or capture lasting family memories. As a discipline, it’s complex, requiring a technical understanding of lighting and scene setting on top of the interpersonal skills to help subjects open up, relax, and be themselves in front of the camera.

Portrait photographers on the Fiverr marketplace cover a range of specialties, from street and lifestyle photography—for use in advertisements or brand imagery—to glamour shoots, corporate headshots, and family portraits. 

Portrait Photography by @nickstarichenko

3. Real Estate Photographers 

If you’re a realtor, using a professional real estate photographer can be one of the most effective ways to guarantee a quick house sale and increase your commission. But, a real estate photographer’s remit extends beyond the confines of a realtor’s office. If you’re struggling to fill your short-term vacation rental or want to promote your interior design services, a professional photographer specializing in property can help.

You can hire a photographer to work with you in person—realtors may value the closer working relationship in this case—or you can choose to work with someone remotely and send them to the property in question. The latter is especially useful when you need to update images of an out-of-town Airbnb listing, for example. 

Many of Fiverr’s global pool of real estate photographers will also offer post-production and staging services to help your final set of images stand out from the crowd.

Real Estate Photography by @framephotolab

4. Event Photographers

Event photographers on Fiverr take on jobs across the events spectrum, from highly personal captures of weddings and intimate private functions to media and sponsor-friendly snaps of sporting fixtures, theatre productions, or large-scale corporate conferences. Using a professional event photographer can increase ticket sales, help you land high-profile sponsorship deals, or ensure you have a lasting memento of your special day. 

Events come in all sizes, but event photography isn’t a one-size-fits-all gig. So, for the best results look for photographers with previous experience in your industry. Some of our event photographers will employ assistants for bookings at large events, or they will include drone photography, editing services, and other added extras to improve the quality of your final pictures. 

Event photographers on Fiverr offer both in-person shoots—where you’ll be on hand to direct them—and remote set-ups, where you brief them to cover an event without attending yourself. 

What photos you get from your event and how you can use them will be down to the agreement between you and your freelancer. It’s a good idea to hash out before your event who will own the final rights to the pictures and whether any accreditation is needed to share them on your website, social media, or with the press.

5. Lifestyle and Fashion Photographers

Ever wondered why you’re captivated by some brands more than others? More often than not the answer lies in their brand images. Lifestyle photography tells a story. It takes your products, people, or services and captures them in a real-life, narrative-led way to make them relatable to your audience. Great lifestyle photography never looks staged. It captures movement and natural interactions that draw the viewer in and—crucially for business—boosts higher customer conversions. 

It helps your customers understand how—and why—to use your products and creates a more meaningful connection between your brand and your audience. 

You can also browse Fiverr’s updated lifestyle and fashion photography services to find beauty and fashion photographers, along with photographers who can also cast models for your shoot.

Lifestyle & Fashion Photography by @franja54

6. Food Photographers

Chances are the mouth-watering images on the recipe blog you read last week were put together by a pro. The art of food photography isn’t in snapping the picture but in how it is styled. So, if you want to update the images on your cafe website, share photos of your menu on social media, or create new posts for your foodie blog, you need a professional photographer to set up your food, light it, and plate it to make it look more Michelin star than mundane. 

Great food photography appeals to your customers’ emotions—it quite literally gets their taste buds salivating. And that’s important because your customers make 95% of their purchasing decisions on emotion alone.

You might want to invite a photographer to visit your restaurant to capture images of the food you have cooked on site, which can help bring in the character of your establishment and your personality. 

Or if you prefer, you can hire a food photographer happy to practice their cookery skills and do the food preparation themselves—a service that several of our food photography sellers offer. This works well for recipe blogs that provide step-by-step illustrations, or for food products that need less of an expert touch to prepare. 

Food Photography by @cat_on_table

7. Aerial Photographers

Here come the drones. And for the real estate business, additional commissions. House listings with aerial photos sell on average 68% faster than those without. But, it’s not only property that benefits from being shot from overhead. 

Aerial photography brings a new dimension to event photography, offers exclusive views of private property, and can be a vital tool for surveying land. Expect an aerial photographer to come armed with the equipment needed for your shoot—whether that’s a drone or a raised platform—and be aware that in some cities, states, or countries it is necessary to have a license to fly a drone and take aerial photos. 

Aerial Photography by @visualimagery

8. Photography Advice

Alongside selling their photography services, many of Fiverr’s professional photographers offer photography tuition, advice, and education to support industry newbies and passionate amateurs. 

So, if you are looking to build your own photography business but don’t know how to get started, think you could benefit from a professional mentor, need some insights into what kind of professional would be best for the job at hand, or you simply want to improve your skills behind the camera, our photography advice category can help.

9. Other Photography Services

If our other specialist subcategories don’t quite fit your search, then this category is for you. From macro-photography specialists to digital editing gurus, our other photography services cover a range of professionals who are essential in the production of high-quality images. 

Professionals offering post-production services—image editing, retouching, and recolorization—can turn your ordinary photos into extraordinary ones that catch attention and keep all eyes on you or your brand.

Browse the Fiverr search bar to find the professionals who will make your images shout down the competition.

What Else Should I Know About Fiverr’s New Photography Services?

65% of people in the world are visual learners, meaning they rely on images rather than text to digest and retain information. It’s no surprise then that marketing content containing high-quality images generates 95% more views than text-only campaigns. 

Fiverr’s new-look photography services make it simpler for you to access images that sing, whether you’re looking for an intimate personal commission or a large-scale corporate project. Start your search today. 

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