
4 Ways Jingles Can Help Promote Your Business

Fiverr Team
December 18, 2019

The holiday season is here once again which means ‘tis the season of jingles. There are a lot of brands posting their own version of 12 Days of Christmas and We Wish You A Merry Christmas— but how effective are these marketing tactics? A catchy jingle can make your brand memorable so you can stand out from the pack. If you’re not convinced, then here's a history of jingles and how they can help promote your business.

History of Jingles

Jingles were first played on radio in the 1920s. Marketers loved using tunes and flowery languages in their ads. One of the most memorable jingles was made by the Wheaties Quartet for the General Mills breakfast cereal. In 1926, the company executives were about to discontinue their collaboration with the quartet, until they discovered a sales spike at the locations where the jingle was aired. [embed][/embed]As a result, they aired the jingle nationwide and their profits boomed. While the ad may not be popular for today’s generation, it inspired many brands to air their own tunes. Now, what are the perks of using jingles for your own business? Here are the benefits you need to know:

1. Jingles Are Memorable

Like music, jingles can trigger nostalgia. Whenever someone is reminded of the opening notes of an upbeat jingle, their memories are immediately triggered. As a result, they unconsciously start singing along. The good news is you can easily launch a catchy tune for your own business, too! Fiverr freelancers can create original lyrics and catchy songs for marketing purposes.


2. Jingles Are Cost-Effective

Unlike your short-term marketing campaigns, jingles are timeless. You can use them every holiday season or play them in stores. Since jingles can be used repeatedly, they’re a lot more cost-effective than investing in new marketing campaigns per quarter.


Fiverr freelancers are also audio experts that can provide easily affordable audio services.

3. Jingles Help Develop Branding

Jingles help your business stand out from the crowd. Customers will keep your brand on the back of their minds whenever they’re reminded of the catchy tune.For example, Coca-Cola launched the Holidays Are Coming jingle ad which helped them gain popularity during the holiday season. Whenever the song played on the streets, listeners were instantly reminded of the brand.

4. Jingles Can Influence Your Mood

Upbeat and catchy jingles can help customers feel excited and lift their mood. For example, Hershey’s Holiday Bells commercial is a classic that can stand the test of time. The jingle helps the brand engage with its audience because we all feel happy when listening to We Wish You A Merry Christmas during the holiday season.

Joining The Jingle Bandwagon

Launching your own jingle for the holidays can differentiate your brand from the competition. Using original music in your stores can help create a distinct customer experience that will instantly be remembered by your customers. Interested in launching your own jingle? Check out jingles & drops services on Fiverr to create your own catchy tunes.

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