Business Tips

Choosing the Right People for Your Team

Ben Conde
June 14, 2016
work team

Entrepreneurs tend to be independent people who are driven by an internal ambition to pursue a life of self reliance. However, as your business grows you will hopefully get to the point where you start to build a team of people. Your team is integral to your success, so choosing the right people and managing them well require as much thought and effort as any other aspect of your business. Here are a few tips for choosing the best people and running a successful team.

Build Your Team Well

Growing your company is not just about hiring the right individuals, it’s about building a great team. A cohesive team doesn’t happen magically, you have to be mindful of who you hire and how they will work together. Huffington Post is here to help with 6 important things to do when building your team.

Invest in UX

Building a team is all about improving your business’ ability to best serve your customers, so why would you skimp on offering your customers the best user experience possible? Think hiring a UX designer is unnecessary? We disagree.

Avoid Toxic People

Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in people’s qualifications and experience and forget that the type of person they are is also crucial to your business’ success. Personalities matter, and if you are considering hiring someone who you get a bad vibe from just because of what they bring to the table, this article from Forbes might make you think again.

Be the Best Manager You Can Be

Having a great team isn’t only about the people you hire, it’s also about how you manage them. Running a business, being an entrepreneur, and managing a team are all skills that have to be learned. No matter how busy you might be, make some time to listen to these 6 great podcasts with tips for being a successful entrepreneur and manager. What makes a great team? Tell us your thoughts in the comments!

Ben Conde
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