Business Tips

9 Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring A Freelancer

Nicolo Grossi
June 14, 2017
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Successful marketing agencies know how to hire and keep great talent. And now it's easier than ever to hire freelancers such as copywriters, marketing strategists, or animators on Fiverr, but it's not always smooth sailing.

Within this article you'll discover a list of the most common mistakes marketing agencies might make when hiring a freelancer, PLUS some very useful tips directly from Fiverr's customer success team aimed to help you better understand how to avoid these mistakes, and leave with a positive experience. Let's dig into it..

9 Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring a Freelancer

1. Failing to communicate your expectations clearly

Don't make the mistake of pitching loose ideas to freelancers and expecting them to read your mind. This will only result in frustration and more work for you both. Instead, put your expectations in writing, use images if appropriate (especially if you're hiring a graphic designer), and, if you've had freelancers complete successful work on similar projects, offer their work as an example.

Free PDF Project Brief Template:

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Download a free project brief template to make sure you are going to clearly communicate your next freelance project goal and objectives Click here

2. Misunderstanding your management abilities

Before your marketing agency begins working with freelancers, it's important to establish the scope of management needed to handle a remote team. Make sure you've designated a management team capable of overseeing multiple freelancers, who can also keep workflow and productivity at a peak.

3. Hiring generalists, not specialists

Your marketing agency is likely hiring freelancers to complete highly specific work. So don't make the mistake of hiring someone with general knowledge in your field who knows a little about a lot – you'll waste both time and money. Instead, look for specialists who are experts at what they do and can get it done quickly and (hopefully) get it right the first time.

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Fiverr Customer Success Team: "A specialist is someone who offers one type of service. For example, if you are looking for someone to create amazing print graphics, don't hire a web banner advertiser or website layout designer.

Hiring someone to create your real estate website landing page will bring more success than hiring someone who does general web design. On Fiverr, look for a Gig that hits the niche you are in"

4. Hiring freelancers too quickly

Don't hire the first freelancer you find. Do your research, and cross-check potential freelancers' references and their portfolios. Vet your candidates and hire them well in advance of a project's deadline. Ultimately, you'll save time and money by finding freelancers who best fit your agency and project needs.

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Fiverr Customer Success Team: "Check their portfolios, education, experience. If you are looking for a big project, consider testing multiple candidates on small budget tasks. Choose someone who is quick to respond and answers all questions thoroughly"

5. Not cutting ties with bad freelancers

If you are not satisfied with your freelancer's work, don't waste your time hoping that he/she will produce better work in the future. Open a ticket through Fiverr's resolution center and if it is proven that the seller is at fault then the money you have spent will be refunded back.

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Fiverr Customer Success Team:" Just because a seller is popular on the site, that doesn't translate that they will be the right fit for you so put as much research into picking someone as you would a house or apartment"

6. Failing to build relationships with freelancers

Even though your freelancers are working for you remotely or on a contract basis, it's still important to treat them with the consideration you would give a full-time employee. Talk to them about their expectations and aspirations and give them positive feedback when you can. This way, you'll keep everyone happy and motivated about working toward the same goals.

If the person who works at your company is not appreciated, they are not going to do things with a smile (Richard Branson)

7. Looking for a bargain

Sometimes marketing agencies can only afford to hire freelancers who charge very little for their services. But in most cases, it pays to be skeptical of freelancers who undersell their skills. If you expect freelancers to turn in quality work, allow enough room in your budget to pay professional freelancers who will produce quality results.

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Fiverr Customer Success Team: "Use your company values to help identify the right freelancer. Ask yourself, would this individual fit right in as a co-worker?"

8. Lacking in professionalism (your own)

Remember that freelancers will do their best work for you if you treat them with the professionalism you extend to your other employees. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is failing to pay your freelancers on time. If freelancers can't count on you to deliver, they may not accept future assignments. You'll lose a valuable asset and will have to begin your hiring process again. Consequently, you could also earn a bad reputation among other potential freelancers.

9. Not answering in time

If you want your project to be completed well, and on time, then it's very important that you respond to your freelancer questions in time as well! Remember that you are also responsible in making sure all is provided to your freelancer so they can properly and successfully execute the task.Hiring and working with freelancers is one of the best things marketing agencies can do to achieve success. Freelancers (like the ones on Fiverr) will round out the talent at your agency, bring their expertise to you, and keep you ahead of the competition. Once you've spent time reviewing common hiring mistakes and how to avoid them, get to work on recruiting your newest team members.

Have you worked with freelancers? What are your tips for making the experience rewarding for both parties? Tell us in the comments below!

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Nicolo Grossi
SEO & content marketing expert with 7+ years experience, working at Fiverr since 2016 Nicolo is responsible to follow and implement SEO’s best practices and inbound marketing strategies in order to increase reach and exposure.
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