Customer Care

5 Ways to Improve Your Online Customer Experience in 2021

Fiverr Team
March 26, 2021

In today's business world, technology plays an increasing role in customer experience. As tech continues evolving at a rapid pace, it's important to optimize your customer experience for consumer trends.

Customers can connect with businesses around the world and make purchases through their mobile devices, and are doing so now more than ever. Providing your customers the benefit of technological convenience will definitely give you a competitive edge this year and beyond.

Here are five ways to upgrade your customer experience:

1. Build a Self-Service Portal for Customers

A self-service portal gives customers 24/7 access to certain customer services via their mobile device or computer. For example, processing a return or changing a subscription status could be done by customers themselves. All you need to do is develop an app or web portal that enables them to serve themselves.Without having to contact your business for every need, customers get a more convenient and on-demand experience. Plus, investing in this technology one time can reduce ongoing customer support costs for you.

2. Make Checkout Faster and Easier

The fewer steps customers have to take to finalize their purchase, the less likely they are to abandon their cart. It's much easier to abandon your cart online than in a physical store. By getting the online checkout process down to as few clicks as possible,  you make it harder for customers to change their minds.

By working with one of Fiverr's e-commerce store developers, you can provide your customers with the most streamlined checkout process.

3. Add More Payment Methods and Flexibility

Add as many payments as possible to your online shopping experience. Offer online payment systems like PayPal and Google Pay. Using an e-commerce platform like WooCommerce or Shopify, you get a built-in credit card payment system. If your store does international shipping or sells digital products, be sure to include an international payment system, such as 2Checkout or Worldpay.To provide even more flexibility, consider adding a customer financing option to your online store. With a third party partner like Sezzle, PayPal Credit, or AfterPay, you can let customers finance their purchases without you taking on the risk. Knowing they can pay later in manageable chunks, shoppers are likely to spend more.

4. Use a Chatbot to Partially Automate Customer Service

With an AI-powered chatbot custom-made for your company, you help customers around the clock. The bot can respond to generic questions and to requests or issues specific to a customer's account. If a question or problem requires a representative to resolve it, the chatbot can send a request for your team to follow up. 

Machine learning algorithms get smarter with each new data point, so the sooner you start incorporating a customer service chatbot into your business, the better it will perform down the line. Besides providing convenience for your customer, it also slashes costs for your business, since you'll require fewer customer service representatives.

To have a branded chatbot made for your business, take a look at the freelance chatbot programmers on the Fiverr marketplace.

5. Develop a Mobile App

When you develop a mobile app for your brand, you can pool everything you offer into one place. Your store, customer service portal, and content marketing or social updates can all go into the app, offering customers the most convenient mobile experience possible.From your own app, you can send customers push notifications when a new product or promo sale goes live on your store. With customers wanting more convenience than ever, working with programmers to convert your website to an app can help you boost customer loyalty.

Optimizing Your Customer Experience for 2021 and Beyond

When they've had a good experience, your customers are more likely to come back.The key to elevating your customer experience in 2021 is providing 24/7 access to smart, streamlined experiences. Developing the right technology for your business can enable you to provide excellent customer service and support at scale.

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