Articles & Blog Posts

5 Tips on How to Build a Successful Business Blog

Fiverr Team
July 20, 2022
business blog

Having a business blog is another way to get in front of your audience. A blog allows you to educate your audience, offer a behind-the-scenes look at your business, products, or staff, and creates more opportunities for new customers to find you on the internet. In fact, business-to-consumer companies that have a business blog gain 88% more leads on a monthly basis in comparison to companies without a blog. Whether you're starting from scratch or if your brand's blog feels stagnant, here are a few helpful tips to keep in mind as you build your business blog.

How To Improve Your Business Blog

As a business owner, you should already know who your target audience is. Use the following tips to improve or start your business blog. As you continue to develop and create content, always think back to the consumer and what will be most helpful and fascinating to them.

Engage your audience's input

A vital way to build a successful business blog is to create content your audience is interested in. A blog will gain repeat readers if they are constantly intrigued with and interested in your content. How to do that? Utilize social media. Your brand's social media accounts can be used to directly engage your audience's input. Ask your followers a variety of questions to identify important topics. Questions can include:

  • What topics do you want to learn more about?
  • What problems are you currently facing?
  • What questions do you have about certain products or services we offer?

Use your audience's answers to create a running list of relevant blog topics and ideas you can use for future posts.

Highlight your employees' knowledge

In the world of business blogging, the more, the merrier! As much as we'd like to be a superhuman expert on all topics and industries, the truth is, we have our strengths and our weaknesses. This is where our employees come in. If you've hired trusted individuals to help run your business, use their knowledge and strengths to add breadth and depth to your business blog. Each person on your team comes with unique abilities, education, and tricks of the trade. Use their experience and ask each employee to create one or two blog posts a month under their field of expertise. By doing this, your business blog will have more categories and topics for your audience to learn from. Asking your employees to contribute also takes the pressure off one person to create all the blog content and keeps your business blog fresh.

Utilize internal and external linking

Although linking to your own site and other external resources may seem like a small and insignificant tip, its benefits are crucial to search engine marketing. Backlinking, which is when you link to an outside source, adds credibility to your business blog. By linking to external sources, it shows that the content on your blog was researched and can be supported by other resources besides your own. Similar to backlinking is internal linking. This is where you link to your own content housed on your own website. Examples of internal links can be other blog posts you've written or any services or programs you provide. The key here is not to add as many links as possible within one blog post. Instead, pick a handful of links that directly relate to and can help your audience expand their knowledge the topic at hand.

Spark a discussion

While educational blog posts are an essential category, not every blog has to be informative in nature. Some business blog posts can be used simply to spark a discussion. Is there a new system or piece of technology in your industry? Create a blog post that introduces the new system or technology and what you know about it so far. Then end the blog post by asking your audience to start a discussion. Add some thought-provoking questions to get your readers to really think and comment on their viewpoints. The more your readers engage with your content, the more invested they will be in future posts.

Hire a writing wizard

Growing a successful business blog doesn't happen overnight. It takes consistency and fresh, relevant content. If you need a few stellar blog posts to get you started, try hiring a blog writer. Hiring a freelance writer can ensure you have consistent and quality content and can be especially helpful when you're short on time.

Your business blog awaits

A business blog can help you gain more leads and connect you with your audience. By using links, asking your audience for their input, and utilizing the help of your employees and external writers, you can build a successful business blog. For more tips for entrepreneurs and growing your business, visit Fiverr's blog.

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