Business Tips

Improve Your Presentation Skills On and Offline

Dana Mick
June 1, 2016
cherry pie

There’s no second chance to make a first impression, that’s why every interaction counts. From visitors to your website to potential investors, you want to make every effort you can to create the best impression possible from the first moment. Luckily, even if you find it doesn’t come naturally, there are concrete ways that you can improve your business and personal presentation. Check out some tips from around the web:

Go Visual

If your social media is relying heavily on text and still images, you could be missing out on major potential to boost your presence and your positive impression. We strongly advise you to consider adding video to your social channels, and here are 10 reasons why.

Make it Great

Glad we could convince you that you should add more videos! But how do you get started? Forbes is here to help with some great advice on how to make eye-catching videos that will help you get out your intended message about your business. Start using videos to create better marketing with these tips.

Be Engaging

Most of our lives, and especially the lives of digital entrepreneurs, are lived online these days, but you still may need to make the occasional live presentation. This can be a moment of stress, or it can be a moment of opportunity if you seize it. Get ready to give a lively presentation and make a lasting positive impression with our insights.

Speak With Your Body

No matter how comfortable you feel speaking with others or even making presentations, you might still be making body language faux pas without even realizing it. Make sure that you don’t sabotage your own efforts to create a great impression, check out Inc’s advice on how to make sure your body language is sending the right message. So, whether you’re building a website to represent your portfolio as a freelancer, or giving a presentation to a room full of people, your first impression is a lasting one. Make it count!

Have any presentation tips we missed? Share them below.

Dana Mick
Product Manager in the buyer journey team, working on creating the best experience for buyers to achieve their goals with Fiverr.
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