Freelancer Tips

Your Gigs: How to Be a Successful Seller Part 1

Adam Aviv
May 14, 2014
How to be successful seller at Fiverr

Nick, known on Fiverr® as Nloper, is an entrepreneur who writes about marketing and entrepreneurship on Side Hustle Nation. Nick is a Level 2 Seller whose Gig® appeared on the Fiverr homepage. The following guide is adapted from this blog post. Ready to succeed as a Fiverr seller? Here are my tips to set your account up for success:

1. Short Gig Title

Clear and concise titles perform better. It’s difficult to fully convey the value of your Gig in just a few words, so you might test out a couple variations to see which ones generate more interest. When in doubt between two words, use the Google Keyword Planner to see which one is searched more.

2. Detailed Gig Description

This is your opportunity to sell your services and let customers know why they should do business with you. If you’re getting a lot of questions asking for clarification or details, your description probably isn’t doing its job. Descriptions are limited to 1,200 characters so you have to be concise. Fiverr does allow you some freedom in formatting with font weight, larger font sizes, lists, and text highlighting. Take advantage of these features to enhance your description.

3. Video and Images

Fiverr has released the statistic that Gigs with a video description sell 220% more than those without. Because of that, consider a video a requirement.If you don’t have a video, you should take advantage of all three image slots with high-resolution descriptive pictures of what you offer. Make sure the dimensions fit 682 x 459 pixels.

4. Targeted Extras

Gig Extras are where Fiverr gets interesting. The more you level up, the more opportunity you have to add more and higher cost Extras. You can change these Extras and their pricing at any time, so there’s no harm in testing different offers to see what might work best for your buyers.

5. Ask for Feedback

Given that most people won’t leave feedback unless prompted, try adding a postscript to each of your delivery templates asking buyers to leave a “thumbs up” if they found the Gig valuable. With that in place, nearly 80 percent of my customers have left a positive rating. The other 20 percent didn’t leave a “thumbs down” — they just neglected to enter a rating at all.

6. Offer a Guarantee

I include a 100 percent money back guarantee on my Gigs. I’ve only had to implement it once so far, when a buyer was not happy with my site review. After he gave me a “thumbs down,” I offered to cancel the order. When he accepted the cancellation, he was refunded and the negative rating disappeared. Be careful, however. Cancellation stats are publicly visible and can be a red flag both to buyers and sellers.

Your First Few Orders

Finding your first buyer can be tough. Nobody wants to take the risk on someone with no portfolio and no feedback. Asking friends and family to purchase your Gigs can help build your portfolio.If you sign up for Fiverr’s affiliate program, you can actually earn money if your friends are new to Fiverr. At press time, you could earn $12.75 per new customer who places their first order. Boom!

What’s Next?

Fiverr is an excellent place to validate your ideas, products, and services. You can quickly see if people are interested in your offer and get immediate feedback as well as build your sales skills.If you set your Gigs up well, you can earn a healthy side hustle income. Be sure to follow-up with your buyers. Make them happy, see if they have any questions, encourage them to leave positive feedback, and perhaps promote your Gig extras and other service offerings. Buyers will ask if you can help with a problem or if you offer a particular service. If you don’t, you now know there’s a proven demand for it.Read Part 2: 5 Tips to Get Your Gig on the Homepage

Adam Aviv
Product Manager in the Seller Experience Team and Payments Team. Working at Fiverr since 2014, Adam leads production groups that build and improve Fiverr, to make selling and buying easy and enjoyable.
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