Freelancer Tips

Why You're Losing by Not Being on Quora

Nicolo Grossi
May 7, 2018
Quora, Q&A website

If you haven't heard of Quora, you're losing out on a significant amount of traffic and leads to your website. Quora is a question-and-answer website that's visited by more than 200 million monthly unique visitors. People come to Quora to find authoritative information in the form of answers to all sorts of questions and topics. If you position yourself as an expert with the answers you provide, you can leverage some of this immense traffic to your own site.

Master the art of lead generation and conversions.

Numbers vary when it comes how many leads you can get from Quora, but the consensus is that you will get more leads by regularly crafting high-quality answers and engaging with the Quora community.Jason Lemkin, serial entrepreneur and EchoSign cofounder, reported in 2017 that his latest venture, enterprise-software blog SaaStr, received 34.5 million views, 218k upvotes, and almost 12,000 shares from Quora alone.

While not everyone has this stunning success, others have experienced good lead-generation from Quora. Taskworld, a cloud-based task-management app, saw more leads and a conversion rate of 11.44% on those leads within a few months of using Quora. Quora is a land of opportunity for freelancers looking for traffic, leads, and conversions.Here's how to capitalize on that.

Do what successful Quora users have already done

Replicating what Quora influencers have accomplished is possible, but it takes effort and time. Nonetheless, it's well worth it.

Take Jason Lemkin's case study

He wrote the first SaaStr blog post in 2012 and then soon turned to Quora to explore its possibilities.His strategy was simple and practical: He began responding to questions that were of personal interest. In other words, he answered topics he knew a lot about. His success was slow but steady:

  • 2.5 million views after two years
  • 20 million views after four years
  • 34.5 million views after five years

Jason used this formula to generate his answers. He'd remember a mistake he'd made in business that he learned from; if he couldn't quickly write the answer, he'd skip the question.This way, he didn't have to spend a lot of time thinking about his answer because it was very personal to him. This led to high ROI since he didn't need to think of a topic, and he could answer quickly. Writing an answer took him only five minutes, on average!

Then, we have Taskworld

After just a few months of answering questions on Quora, their website saw conversion gains of 11.44%.Here's how they did it:

  1. Honestly trying to answer questions with high-value answers that aren't overly self-promotional
  2. Tracking their Quora analytics to understand which topics get the most traction and generate the most engagement in terms of views and upvotes
  3. Earning SEO boosts when their high-value and sincere answers receive backlinks on the forum
  4. Looking at what users on Quora are saying and asking about the competition's products – then, when appropriate, answering those questions to educate those people about alternatives while softly mentioning their own product (but only after providing great value by offering little-known information).

Key Takeaways

  1. Select questions to answer for maximum visibility
  2. Answer questions with authority
  3. Help people solve their problems
  4. Don't spam Quora or you might get banned

Craft commanding answers.

Besides your profile, the quality of your answers determines your success in driving traffic and leads to convert on your site. Here's how to optimize your answers for better results:

  • Formatting: Structure your answer like a reader-friendly blog post. Include bullet points, shorter paragraphs, italics, bolding, and other ways to chunk your content.
  • Images: Include images to make your answers more visually appealing, which helps break up the rote lines of text. Many Quora answers have no images, so this is a simple way to stand out.
  • Links: Use links to authoritative, third-party sources and stats to infuse your answers with greater credibility.

Get more upvotes.

The more upvotes you get, the more likely it is that readers will associate your answers with expertise. And the more people see you as an expert, the more likely they are to look at your profile and follow your link back to your site.Here's how to optimize your answer for more upvotes:

  • Avoid self-promotion: Slipping in a backlink to your site or content is fine, as long as it's the last part of your answer that complements the high-quality advice and reasoning you've provided.
  • Repurpose blog content: If you've written a blog post or article that's received many shares, you already know it's very valuable to readers. If it helped many people on other sites, it'll do the same on Quora. Write it to be a unique/original answer, but keep the main takeaways. Look for a question that's related to your repurposed blog article, to ensure relevance.  In addition, you can also blog on Quora on the topic in which you have expertise.
  • Use personality: Don't shy away from putting your personality in your answers. Doing so makes you more relatable to readers and helps you stand out from the more technical, conservative answers.

Quora is one of the biggest sites today because of the value it provides to its community. Get in on this opportunity, and drive significant traffic and leads to your site by taking the time to leave high-quality, actionable answers on question thread that you are an expert on.

Have you ever answered questions on Quora? Did you notice any traffic or leads going to your site as a result? Tell us in the comments!

Nicolo Grossi
SEO & content marketing expert with 7+ years experience, working at Fiverr since 2016 Nicolo is responsible to follow and implement SEO’s best practices and inbound marketing strategies in order to increase reach and exposure.
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