Success Stories

Super Seller Kymmypops: "Fiverr Is My Main Income and My Full Time Job"

Fiverr Team
September 11, 2014

Katie, known on Fiverr® as kymmypops, is a UK-based model, presenter and voice-over artist who has been working on Fiverr for more than two years and has maintained a five star rating. As a Fiverr seller, Katie has gone where few have gone before—she recently surpassed 10,000 completed orders and $100,000 in earnings! Here she is to share her story with us.

Katie’s Fiverr Journey

A friend told me about Fiverr when I complained to him about my job. I didn't think I had any skills or anything to offer anyone, let alone the ability to start a business. But my friend thought I would be a good video spokesperson because he believed I was good at talking to people, wasn’t shy, had a nice smile and could sell things. He encouraged me to give it a go, and I'm so happy I did!


Signing up was easy and fast, and I didn't think much of it until I got my first order. I was so excited but still had no idea that Fiverr would become such an important part of my life. When I started, it was a huge risk for me to quit my job and rely on Fiverr for an income. At first, I must have been earning only $20 a week, so I had to rely on savings for about a month. But sales soon picked up and money started coming in. At the same time, my customers were giving me positive feedback and asking what else I could offer them and their businesses. I listened to all of them, did some research and decided to set up a couple more Gigs®.Today, Fiverr is my main income and my full time job – although I work only part time hours! Starting on Fiverr It was the best decision I've ever made.

Advice for Newcomers

I put a lot of work and time into my business on Fiverr, and I think that's the main reason it's so successful. I aim for 100 percent customer satisfaction, I listen to my customers, and I always deliver quality work. I would never deliver something I was unhappy with. There's no “secret” or short-cut to earning money or being successful. You just have to work hard and believe in what you do.It’s also important to “under promise and over deliver.” See what's popular, what's selling and put a twist on it to make it your own. You have to make your Gig unique and stand out to catch people’s attention. Your Gig can be something completely different or just competitively priced in comparison to a top-selling Gig. Once you've got the attention of buyers and had your first few sales, listen to customer feedback. You can even ask them how you can improve your service. Returning customers make up a lot of my sales and word of mouth brings me lots of new customers, so always listen to them and look after them.


I use social media to promote my business and stay in touch with my customers online. I think it's important they see you on a personal level so you can build trust and gain a better business relationship. They're also more likely to remember you, recommend you and come back to you when they need more work. I also promote my Gigs offline to local businesses, friends and family. Word of mouth is an amazing and affordable way for you to promote yourself.

The Impact of Fiverr

Fiverr has changed my life. The freedom to work when I want, doing what I want is the best thing about the site. It allows me to take days off, enjoy myself and spend time with my family and friends, which is important to me.

Congratulations to Katie, our latest Super Seller!

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