Freelancer Tips

How To Recover From Work-From-Home Burnout

Fiverr Team
June 17, 2021

In the beginning of your WFH career, the prospect of working-from-home seemed exciting. No need to commute, attend long and frequent meetings, or spend too much time dressing up for the job.

Unfortunately, as this pandemic has dragged on, many have felt demotivated and burned out after long hours spent indoors. Some have missed hanging out with friends while some parents struggle with caring for their kids on the job.

Now, how can you recover from work-from-home burnout? Here are some tips that could get you back on track.

1. Develop a routine

Working indoors for a prolonged period seems exhausting and demotivating. If you want to stay focused, develop a routine and set boundaries.

Here are some examples:

  • Set aside time for exercise to avoid mood swings or depression.
  • Have a regular bedtime and mealtime to ensure you can stay healthy.
  • Set regular working hours.
  • Take 15-min breaks during specific times of the day.

Some habits are easy to do yourself while others may require support from your boss or HR. If you’re actually working more since the work-from-home era began, tell your boss that you’re committing more than 40 hours per week. Alternatively, you can also wake up earlier to exercise or conduct meal preps, to let your brain get in the habit of concentrating and focusing during work time.

2. Set aside time for yourself

None of us can stay sane by working 24/7. That’s exactly why it’s important to set aside time for your hobbies and personal interests.

Get a hobby that can help you destress. Begin a passion project or learn something new. Another option is to set aside time for meditation to help you appreciate the present moment or detach yourself from work or stress from the pandemic.

Having some “me time” is always a good thing because it’ll let you recharge and boost your work performance.

3. Reward yourself

Making more money means that you can buy some things from your wishlist. So, whenever you feel demotivated, set up a rewards system.

As a writer, you could tell yourself to finish 2 or 3 articles per day. If you can’t finish your daily goal, then you can’t watch the next episode of your Netflix series or play a video game.

There’s also no need to get a big win to enjoy life. In these dark times, surviving the week and keeping your job could already be a cause for celebration. Hence, reward yourself by buying your favorite food or allotting time for a FaceTime call with friends every now and then.

4. Prioritize important tasks

Acing your job requires a focus on quality, not quantity.

According to Inc, the average employee is only productive for two hours and 53 minutes. In addition, many employees tend to engage in unproductive activities on their 8-hour shift such as checking social media, searching for a new job, making calls, or eating snacks.

These numbers prove that it’s important to fulfill the most important tasks first, rather than working long hours. At the beginning of the week, create a priority list for your tasks and projects. Focus on items on the top of the list first and schedule other tasks at a later date.

5. Set up a dedicated workspace

One of the perks of working-from-home is that you can design your own workspace.

Have a dedicated home office to maintain your focus and avoid annoying distractions. Fill up the area with things that inspire you such as quotes or travel destinations. You can place figurines that you love or pictures of your family. Whenever you feel distracted, looking at these inspiring images or decorations may motivate you to keep pushing.

Recover from work-from-home burnout

Virtual work arrangements seem to be the future. Hence, learning to be productive indoors will be key to reaching your goals and career aspirations. If you need a helping hand to stay productive, get in touch with Fiverr productivity experts. You can also take our online course for Productivity and Digital Efficiency at the Learn from Fiverr platform.

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