Success Stories

How My First 6 Months on Fiverr Funded My Vacation

Matt Jensen
September 8, 2016
kevin thewriteones

Kevin, aka thewriteones on Fiverr, was introduced to Fiverr by his fiancé and started initially as many of our sellers do, as a buyer. Proving that good customer service, high quality and effort pay off, Kevin was able to take his fiancé on a summer beach vacation only a few months after he started on Fiverr! Here's Kevin's Fiverr story:

My Fiverr Journey

I was originally introduced to Fiverr a few years ago by my fiancé. We ordered a few graphic design gigs for a website that she owns and were impressed by the quality of work we received. Having previously written a fitness book that was successfully funded through Kickstarter, I decided to create a Gig offering an article writing service. Within about a week, I found my first client through the Buyer Requests forum. As the weeks turned into months and I started to gain momentum and garner more sales, I launched a few additional Gigs, of which my bestseller is my product description service. In order to make my Gigs look visually appealing, I ordered a few services from different graphic designers until I found an image that I liked, and my fiancé incorporated it into the logo that I currently use. I was also contacted by an amazing video creator named Annieanimation, and she put together a fun and quirky explainer video that has really helped improve my views and conversions.During my first 6 months, I never cashed out any of the revenue I’d earned. As summer time began to roll around, my fiancé and I decided to take a vacation to her home state of Florida. I put my Gigs on vacation mode, cashed out my revenues, and hit the highway for a two-week road trip enjoying beaches all along the east coast of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. Every penny spent was earned through all of my work here on Fiverr!

Tips for New Sellers

Although I’m a Level Two Seller with almost 150 completed orders, I’ve only been operating on Fiverr for about 8 months, so I still consider myself fairly new to the platform. There’s a lot of competition for writers here, so I have to hustle hard to make sure my name stands out among the crowd. I work hard to over-deliver to every client, as I want them to feel that they received more than their money’s worth, and I make a personal guarantee to answer each and every message received within 24 hours. I also strive to turn every customer into a repeat buyer. Simply put, I want to be the first person they think of whenever they need written content. One recent buyer did just that, and ordered 8 different times over the course of 2 months, each time leaving tips ranging from $25 to as high as $100. In order to gain new clients, I regularly scour the Buyer’s Request forum, as well as promote my offerings through different social media channels. I recently ran a promotion through several small business groups on Facebook, offering free and discounted content to members as long as they shared my Gigs with their social media friends, and received an overwhelming response from it. I also keep in regular contact with clients that have left 5-star reviews, just to keep my services fresh in their mind should they ever need me again.

The Impact of Fiverr

When I originally started as a seller on Fiverr, I had no idea whether or not my Gigs would be successful. I knew I had a knack for writing and a passion for working with others, and I figured that Fiverr would be a great way to see if what I offered was of some value to potential customers. Thankfully it was! At only 8 months in, the majority of my income comes from my work here. The reviews left by my clients have inspired me to explore other opportunities, as I’ve written a few guest blogs for sites dedicated to freelancing, and have recently written a short story that is under consideration for publication as part of an anthology series. I’m also in the early stages of writing an e-book focused on how to launch a career as a freelance writer. All of these things were made possible by my experiences as a Fiverr seller. If you’d like to share your story about how Fiverr has impacted your life, please send it to us by email at

Matt Jensen
Growing and engaging communities for 10 years, I engage Fiverr's digital communities. Helping both sellers and buyers colaborate and share ideas with each other.
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