Freelancer Tips

Gig Economy News: The Entrepreneurial Spark

Fiverr Team
March 10, 2018

Every entrepreneur begins their venture with a spark: a dream or a passion. This spark helps shape the story of your business and helps keep you going forward through good days and bad. As your business develops and its story takes shape, that story and the spark within it are powerful tools not to be ignored. They can be used internally to motivate yourself and your employees, and they can be turned outwards as marketing tools to draw customers to connect and to stay loyal to you. This week’s Gig Economy News is all about tending to and spreading your story.  

Begin with Basics

The blog has evolved into a craft, it’s not just a way to share news or daily goings on, it’s a way to share your business’ story from the nitty-gritty to your lofty ideals. However, too many people try to do too much at once on a blog and end up losing focus, and readers. Take a look at our back-to-basics tips on the makings of a successful blog post.

From A to Z

Starting a blog and telling your story isn’t just about writing posts, it’s about having a strong framework to support your blog’s goals as well as its content. While there’s no shortage of great guides to blogging, we especially like this thorough walkthrough because it is extremely up to date on the ins and outs of building a blog from the bottom up today.

Seeing is Believing

Blogging is a solid component of a storytelling plan, but it’s not the only one. After all, if a picture is worth a thousand words than how many blog posts is a video worth? On its own or together with other storytelling forms, video has a solid and important place in the future of business storytelling.  

Share Your Story

If there’s one main message we want you to get from this post, it’s that whatever your medium and however you best express yourself, the most important thing is to share your story somehow so that customers can discover, relate to, and commit to your business. Whatever method you use, these top tips for storytelling can help you do it right. What makes your business story special? Tell us in the comments!

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