Freelancer Tips

How to Use Quora to Generate Leads

Nicolo Grossi
May 21, 2018
woman learning how to use Quora||Quora stats||Perfect Quora profile||Wishpond Quora stats||Josh Fechter Quora Evangelist||||

Quora's question-and-answer format makes it an ideal place to generate leads and get more clients as a freelancer. Each time you demonstrate your authority and credibility on a topic in your wheelhouse, you attract more positive attention from people who want to find out more about you.

This can result in more traffic to your website, increased signups to your email list, or more orders for your Fiverr gigs. Quora is the perfect vehicle for getting more leads and eventual conversions as a freelancer. Learning to navigate Quora for this purpose doesn't take much effort, and you can generate big rewards. Here are the secrets to success.

Work really hard on your profile.

Quora success begins with your profile because it's the first thing readers and potential leads look at when they're navigating the site for the best answers from authority figures. Before people want to read your answer, they want to see if you're a credible, expert source. Do the following things to your profile before you answer any question:

  1. Include a thorough About Me blurb.
  2. Highlight your areas of expertise.
  3. Don't forget to mention your interests.
  4. Include where you've worked.
  5. Link to your Fiverr seller page (or business website) from your Quora profile, using a call to action like "See how I can help you get more organic traffic and boost your leads."
  6. Link up your social media accounts.
Perfect Quora profile

Now, think hard about your bio's tagline, which appears at the top right of each answer you provide. It should brand you as an expert in your field.Think of using words like:

  • Authority
  • Coach
  • Mentor

Your bio should also have:

  • A winning/personable headshot.
  • A useful offer (an ebook, a course, etc.).
  • Links to your best Quora pieces.
  • Social proof (where your work has appeared or what brands you've worked with).

A profile like this attracts positive attention and builds your authority.

Track your Quora metrics like a hawk.

You need to know if your efforts are succeeding, so it's key to track the right analytics. If your profile or answers aren't having the impact you expect, you can always re-evaluate and tweak them to increase your lead generation. You want to see how far your answer's reach is going. Look in Stats to discover juicy details about metrics like:

  • Overall views.
  • Views of specific answers.
  • Total number of upvotes.
  • Total number of shares.
Quora stats

You can get more granular with this data, seeing your totals for a specific week, month, three-month period, or all time. Armed with this data, you can tell which topics are the most popular and generate the most engagement.

You can invest more time answering those topics with greater traction. For example, if you see that your answers on inbound marketing get the most views and upvotes, you should concentrate on making that topic your niche.

Learn from inspiring case studies.

Some freelancers and brands have perfected the science and art of using Quora for lead generation and acquisition.

Josh Fechter, 2017 Quora's top writer

Josh conducted an experiment on Quora, which, after five months, got him thousands of leads to his social media groups and email list. His secret? He answered controversial questions like "At what point should founders take a salary from their startup?" This created debate and discussion, leading to his answer getting more than 100,000 views!

Josh Fechter Quora Evangelist

From tactics like this, Josh was able to:

  • Add more than 2,000 new members (from 6,000 requests) to his Facebook group
  • Get more than 3,000 new leads to his email list
  • Generate more than 22,000 followers
  • Earn more than 8 million views on Quora

Wishpond, a lead-nurturing platform

Wishpond regularly uses Quora to drive massive traffic to its site, and has been doing so for years. In one month, Wishpond succeeded in driving almost 10,000 visitors to its site from Quora alone, thanks to answering questions with authority and focusing on engaging with the Quora community.

Wishpond Quora stats

(Ref: whishpond) Wishpond is so successful with Quora that only Facebook sends more visitors to its site, but Quora beats Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Pinterest and so many others.

Seize all that opportunity.

Your advantage in using Quora to drive leads to your Fiverr page or profile is the fact that more and more people are using Quora! Everyone understands the basics of the Q&A format, and when it comes to Quora, it has a good reputation.

Have you ever used Quora? What do you think the secrets to success are? Tell us in the comments below!

Nicolo Grossi
SEO & content marketing expert with 7+ years experience, working at Fiverr since 2016 Nicolo is responsible to follow and implement SEO’s best practices and inbound marketing strategies in order to increase reach and exposure.
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