Freelancer Tips

Fiverrcast Episode 16: Feature Recap of 2015 & 2016 Wishlist

Fiverr Team
December 11, 2015


Redd: Hello and welcome to Fiverrcast, the official Fiverr podcast for sellers and by sellers. My name is Redd also known on Fiverr as Reddhorrocks.Adam: And I’m Adam AKA Twistedweb123. Today we are joined by a plethora of special guest hosts. We have three of the other Fiverr ambassadors in the room with us live in New York today.Redd: So there was a Fiverr community event last night when we were recording this, that we all had the opportunity to go to and meet a lot of our fellow sellers and other buyers and we decided that it would be a great idea to just get together in a room in the morning and record a podcast because we’re all in the same room and why not. So gentlemen, if you would like to introduce yourself.Wayne: Hi. I’m Wayne Austin, AKA Ozzieuk on Fiverr.Marco: Hi. I’m Marco AKA Mark74 on Fiverr.Ryan: And I’m Ryan AKA Customdrumloops on Fiverr.Adam: Now I think we’ve had all three of you guys in the show at different points.Ryan: Yeah.Wayne: Yeah.Marco: Yeah.Adam: So yeah, we’ve all had you guys in the show previously and we covered a lot of different features and a lot of different ground. So I think that makes today’s topic absolutely perfect looking back and not just those kinds of features we discussed but the features of the complete last year.Redd: So there has been a lot of really great new features this year and I’m going to start with talking a little bit about my personal favorite feature that has completely revolutionized my work flow, which is the quick response button which I estimate took about 10 percent off of my reply time and off of my order delivery because it’s just so easy to go in and preload things and click things. The other really, really good thing too is I can be completely consistent with what I’m going to say.Adam: So the quick response obviously is in your inbox and in your order screen’s ability to kind of pre-save drafts or templates. So when they ask you a question, you can just send through a kind of stock reply or stock kind of edit.Redd: And the good thing about that too is that because you can preload as many as you want, you can have all kinds of different things in there. So I have a standard message that I have for delivery for certain orders. It’s going to be the same every single time and my clients are kind of used to it now. I like it. Although I did have a very unfortunate thing where I found out I’ve been using a quick response for a month that had a typo in. So maybe you should all check your typos.Adam: I actually did the same.Wayne: Me too.Redd: So Marco, tell me about one of your favorite features from the last year.Marco: Well, I think custom offer as a new feature is really a great improvement in our job because now you can – you’re not supposed to just give a price. How many Gigs do you want? Two or three Gigs and an extra. But you’re free to decide what you can offer your buyer. You can link your custom offer to a Gig and provide all the extras but you can provide a different price. So you’re not tied to Gigs, a number of Gigs.You know, I’m almost – I’m using just custom offers. Ninety percent of my Gigs now are sold by custom offers and it’s a big deal because buyers just have to click Buy. They don’t have to choose how many Gigs. Do you want this extra? No, I don’t want. They’re not sure. Sometimes I have an extra even the – they want to buy ten Gigs. OK? But the extra is just one. Sometimes they got screwed because they order 10 Gigs and 10 extras, then you have to cancel the order and making a new one. With the custom offer, this doesn’t happen anymore because you give your customer a price. Everything is bundled and you just click Buy. That’s all, easy for everyone.Redd: I imagine specifically for you because you do programming. It’s really – everything that you do must be so broad. It’s probably really hard to isolate exactly what you’re going to do for one client.Marco: Yeah. You know, buyers are not aware of what’s going on behind the scenes. So they know sometimes – want source code. Yeah, I want source code but I don’t know what this is. So I need three Gigs. But source code is one? I need three. You know, sometimes you have extra fast delivery. Should I order two Gigs, two extra fast delivery too? I receive a lot of these questions and now I don’t have to answer them anymore. I just throw them the custom offer. Buyers don’t have to know my work. They just have to receive the job as they want. So this made my life easier and the buyer’s life easier. OK?Adam: I think the custom offers as well actually match up the quick responses really well because you kind of merge the two. So you can have kind of quick responses and then integrate custom offers. So you got this whole kind of set of offering Gigs. However, I will say and I know that the Fiverr team love listening to the podcast, so I’m just going to make the suggestion on the quick responses.I would love it if we have two different kinds, one for orders and one for the inbox because at the moment, they’re currently merged where you have a list of quick responses. You can call anywhere but sometimes I only have delivery messages that I send each time and it’s starting to be a bit annoying sometimes. I would love to see two different types of quick responses.Redd: So what about you Wayne? What have you enjoyed this year?Wayne: Well, basically the updates to kind of like levels and also the tip feature because I think TRS now got a seven-day clearing period, right?Adam: Yeah.Wayne: And also obviously the tip feature too because well, who doesn’t like to make more money.Adam: Exactly. I think it made it really easier, the tip feature, because Fiverr know it’s all over the world. There are many different tipping cultures and some people, they think, “Should I ask for a tip? Should I not ask for a tip?” and it may be quite awkward. So the fact that the buyer is going to say, “Hey, I want to tip this guy off.” Hey, I don’t want to. You don’t need to. It just makes it so seamless and easy and it’s also a really nice surprise when you just randomly get a tip out of the blue on an order and the tip can go up to 20 percent I think of the overall order, up to $25 on $5. So a $25 tip on a $5 order, you can get up to over 500 percent more as a thank you which is just excellent.Ryan: It’s all in one place now. It used to be sellers had to set up their own tip Gig. So they have to go look for it and so now, they can do a …Adam: Because you they used to have to say to, can I tip you? And just like yeah, I have a Gig for that. But it’s now literally – it comes up at the end. They leave you a great rating and it kind of says, “Do you want to tip this guy?” A little bit nicer than that but …Ryan: Yeah, right.Adam: But yeah, it’s just so seamless and so easy.Redd: So how much would you say – I like talking about this feature a lot because it has been really great for me too. But how much do you think your percentage of tips has increased from having the integration of the tip feature?Adam: I would say my tips have probably increased about 30 to 40 percent because I think to the buyer, it makes it the norm. So like if you have a tip Gig, you’ve had to specifically go out of your way to try to accept tips but the buyer on the platform, they leave a feedback and then Fiverr, the platform itself, kind of says, “Hey, do you want to leave a tip?” and they think, “Oh, is that what we do around here? Is that the norm?” Yeah. You like the work? Of course you’re going to leave a tip.But if you don’t know otherwise, you don’t know what the extra is. So I think just people knowing that it’s OK. It’s a part of the system and it wouldn’t be strange because obviously in modern culture, there’s so many around there. It just makes it so easy.Ryan: I think a lot of people are excited to leave tips too because they love the work so much.Adam: Yeah, definitely.Marco: We used to overdeliver so many – I didn’t use to require a tip to my customers. I don’t leave my tip Gigs when I deliver. Well, someone does, but I didn’t like it because my culture doesn’t require a tip. OK? So the new tip feature gave me the opportunity to receive 300 percent of the tips I’ve received before, really 300 percent and sometimes I receive tips more larger than the Gig amount. OK? So now, you can feel more satisfied. You can feel the love. You deliver and you’re paid for this. Your customer thanks you for this.Adam: I think you raised a good point there though. I think moving on with that tip feature. I think it may be actually important to make that optional and to sell it an – if they wish to receive a tip or not because there are actually some cultures and some religions where they just don’t accept money and it is not the done thing. So I think having more control of that as well will allow you because I mean some people are happy to accept tips. Some aren’t. So I think from the buyer’s side at the moment, they can choose that but maybe the seller could have that kind of option as well. I think that would make it perfect for everyone.Wayne: I will take them all.Ryan: Send them to Wayne.Redd: So Ryan, what about you? Favorite feature?Ryan: Mine has been a combination of the quick responses and the custom offers because I think it’s a great way to upsell. I mean not only does it improve efficiency but also if you send a message with the other Gig extras you have, you can inform buyers of different things they can add on to your Gigs. So for example, if they know the basics, if they’re ordering a song from me, I can inform them through a message that, “Hey, did you know that you can add a video here as well?” If they didn’t read the Gig description carefully, they might not know that. So I think it’s an interesting way to inform upsells.Adam: That’s the combination of the two is Fiverr Anywhere tool.Ryan: Right.Adam: So the Fiverr Anywhere tool where you can generate any kind of custom response but have it saved so you’re constantly going to send the same one and …Ryan: Right, and that’s why I said the combination of …Adam: Yeah, so that’s actually perfect. I think a lot of people don’t actually – I was told a lot of people don’t really use that tool that much or know about that tool that much but it’s perfect because if you set up custom offers, they are always kind of permanent. You can have, right, here’s the upgrade for this one and here’s the upgrade for this one, and every single time that someone misses it, you don’t need to send them an offering. You just send them a link to the offer you’ve already set up, tie it into the current responses like you say and it’s all sorted. So I really think the Fiverr Anywhere tool is a tool – a feature that people should be using a lot more.Ryan: Definitely.Adam: And if anyone is wondering where that is, it’s inside the account under the Promote My Business tab because I do know that a lot of people kind of – they don’t know about it that much.Redd: So Adam, last but not least, what’s your favorite feature?Adam: For me I think the export option we currently have available, the fact that we take so much order data on Fiverr at the moment off of the platform and kind of use that for our knowledge.So for example in the revenues page where we can export a list of all the orders we’ve recently done. If you want to be quite analytical with it or you wanted more info, you can just write queries in the spreadsheet or download them and run things there that you don’t know or you can’t find out on Fiverr. So you know simple queries like what was my average this month, how many orders did I do this month because these are kind of not obvious on Fiverr.So average orders this month, reoccurring buyers. Who are my best buyers? How many times? Let’s say buyer 123 actually purchased from me 14 times. You can find out all this information from this export. So for me, that’s the best one because it has the biggest potential to help you grow your business.Redd: I think one of the other things that I found kind of similar to that too is the Contacts tab now that has who you bought from and who you sold from. It has the same kind of information about how many different sellers that you have and I’ve got a couple of sellers. I have no idea how many orders they placed with me.Adam: I actually – I turned the contact this time into a bit of a game and into a bit of a competition. So I’ve got a few buyers who always regularly order from me. What I kind of did, I just say, “Just to let you know, you’ve dropped to third.”So they would say they have six more orders this week. It’s actually quite fun because they kind of buy into it as well and they can come back maybe in the future like a month from now. Am I still top? How am I doing? Yeah, you’re back in first.Ryan: I think one of my new favorite features is the stock image feature as well just for someone who does video so frequently. The process before was going offsite to a third party site to find the right image and now it eliminates one extra step which is really nice when you have a large volume of orders because you can literally pull the stock images right from Fiverr and it’s all in one place. So that eliminates any means to go to third party sites which the time adds up doing that.Adam: And definitely the partnership with Getty as well and Getty is one of the biggest stock images that you’ve got a massive database. I know the image is always going to be quite a high quality whereas if you’re trying to source your own, you’re not always going to have the best quality available. You might struggle to find it. But I’ve been there with the stock images but I so much kind of said – you know, I want like a light bulb kind of in the corner and I kind of search like light bulb in business and I get like 2000 results.Ryan: Yeah, right.Adam: And it’s like great, now I can choose that. The buyer says to me, “You choose it because I trust your judgment.” So you can choose the size you want, like especially for your videos. You need large images. So if a buyer may come, you say, “Hey, I’ve got a stock image,” and they send you a little like 300 pixel by 300 pixel.Ryan: Right, yeah.Adam: You can’t work with it. But on Getty, everything is standard. It’s like 4000, 5000 pixels big.Ryan: Yeah.Adam: It’s absolutely perfect.Ryan: It’s the quality and the convenience right at one desk. It’s perfect.Redd: I feel like it has really been a year of like integrated tools. That’s like that’s – we’ve gotten so many different things this year of integrated tools that have streamlined things for sellers so much better. It really has – I know they kind of said that it was going to be the year of the seller and I feel like they’ve held up to that quite nicely.Wayne: Yeah, I ordered a picture for the sweater party promotion that’s running right now. I’m surprised that when my seller delivered, that I could actually take the graphic that they delivered and actually print it onto something like a T-shirt.Adam: Oh, yeah, they’ve got the integrated printing with the – the sponsored partner with Vistaprint, yeah.Wayne: Yeah, it’s really cool.Adam: I think they do the same as well with business cards because I’ve had a few buyers who they had ordered logo or business card design from me and it says, “Do you want to get it printed?” And it’s like for the buyer, that is ridiculously kind of seamless and then they go on from the sweater party as well.We got to remember this year they also launched their first kind of external app with Fiverr Faces. I mean and that was such a fun, easy app to use again where you’re just going to go on and you get your custom kind of face design or funny portrait if you like and for me that was kind of evolutionary because it actually took this whole marketplace and put it down to a simple click. I want this style and I want this and the app basically had the formula behind it to place like almost like automatic orders if you like to filter down the marketplace. So I mean that kind of leads the question.Like, what is open to the future with that? Someone comes on and says – say there’s a logo up. I want a logo and they say, “I want it to be classic. I want it to be vintage. I want it to be quite retro,” and they say “I want it within five days.” The integration is there. You can have the automated app in the similar way to the fun Fiverr Faces.Ryan: Yeah, there’s definitely a shift more away from search engines to apps to find different things, whether it’s restaurants, going to Yelp. I think that’s the future.Adam: Yeah, definitely. This year in regards to apps and just engagement with the app technology, Fiverr has really stepped up their game because they’ve got the iPhone app. They’ve got the Android app which has had a lot of development in the last year. They’ve got a Fiverr Faces app. We’re currently actually sending out the actual podcast on iTunes as well to integrate with other apps and with SoundCloud as well. So I think we’ve really kind of bought in to the app culture which is becoming more and more popular but they’re also doing across a spread market as well because often you can maybe see some companies really focused on the iPhone and on an Android, those would be left out. But I think both actual apps, they’re very well-developed and it’s not like they’ve left one of them behind.Ryan: Yeah.Redd: So looking forward to what’s coming up next year, if there was like one feature that would just revolutionize your work flow, like what is one thing that you would love to have?Adam: One day clearing.Redd: One realistic thing.Adam: Instant clearing.Wayne: Yes.Ryan: Recurring billing.Redd: Recurring billing? Ryan, tell us about recurring billing.Ryan: Well, I think recurring billing would be a great way for certain categories to be able to have current buyers that purchase frequently – make it easier for them if they have something that’s coming out of their account every month. It can really help with things like hosting, video hosting, web hosting, site management, different things like that.Adam: Yeah, because I remember actually when I first kind of joined Fiverr, I set up a service to offer website hosting and I found it really difficult because I could say like I will give you a month for $5 but then chasing them afterwards was really quite difficult.Ryan: Right.Adam: And recurring billing would completely kind of eliminate that.Ryan: Yeah.Adam: And Fiverr is actually integrated with PayPal and DamnQuickPay.Ryan: Right.Adam: So we can just have the automatic – I mean it’s already like halfway there.Ryan: Right, yeah.Redd: How about you Marco? Anything you would really like to see?Marco: Nothing is perfect. OK? But I think even last year Fiverr did a great job. They sought several improvements, several features being published and being released. So I think now the website was more maybe buyer-oriented but then the last year, so many new features have been seller-oriented. So now it’s really balanced. OK?Sellers can have fun selling now with so many features, with so many tools and buyers can – same experience and it’s so easy to order it. Now, everything is easier, OK? So I don’t know what can we expect in the future. I think Fiverr is I think the right direction. Just go on. Just go on with this.Adam: I would love to see in the programming category. I think it would work really well for your Gigs. It’s almost like a testing environment. You have a lot of websites nowadays where you add in the code and it shows you the HTML and like the design and you press Run and it kind of runs on the page and show you how it works. What I would love in Fiverr is the programming delivery. You can upload the program that you make and then the buyer can actually test the app within Fiverr. So then they can base that on any modification requests or any issues with it. They can directly run it within the test environment of Fiverr. So Fiverr comes on and goes play. Yeah, that’s what I want. Leave the review …Adam: Because otherwise, they can like buy the software and go, “Actually I don’t know how to set this up yet. I’ve got someone else doing that for me.” But you have to like test the work directly inside the website, like a code pen, et cetera, where you share it. But I think that would be really, really good for the program and category to kind of demonstrate the work and also – if there were ever disputes where the customer support agents can come on and go run – well, that all works as it was meant to work. That’s good. That’s exactly what we want. I think it completely kind of like gives an easy option to demonstrate your work. That can be very technical to people who may not understand it.Marco: I think that a live chat could be a good add-on Fiverr can have. But many customers ask, “Can I chat with you?” and you definitely can because you can go back and forth on conversation tab but after 20 minutes, you go back and forth with 50 messages. It became really a pain. OK?Now maybe a paid live chat. Maybe I suppose we can have an extra for this. OK? Maybe we did an order. The customer can order. Can we chat? Yeah, we can have a live chat. But the seller must be able to turn it on and off because we can’t expect to deliver our $5 Gigs and then 20 minutes of live conversation with the buyer. OK? Because we cannot afford it. But maybe if the buyer wants – will need to ask you something or when a buyer – or there are sometimes they forget something. They have to explain better what they want or I have to ask them. Are you sure about this? Maybe we can take a different direction. So maybe we can turn it on. Live chat, maybe $5, $10, whatever. You can choose an extra. You can turn it on and have an integrated live chat. So a channel can be monitored but it would be online. So why not?Adam: Saying that actually, I think it’s a feature I want the most. I saw in the forum someone was saying, “Wouldn’t it be cool if actually we could kind of bring on like a webcam video type thing?” and it got me thinking about that. Maybe it would be really cool if on your profile there was a button that kind of said, “Book a consultation.” You go ahead and book the consultation and it asks how many minutes. So let’s say 30 minutes and the seller says their rates.So it says 30 minutes and it says OK, that’s going to be $20. You book in your time slot. Then from the seller point of view, it comes up as a new order with like a video kind of – or you choose your own video or live chat, however you want to do it. But it comes up inside the order. You go there at the agreed time. You do it and then that kind of like – let’s say 15 minutes – or sorry, 25 minutes because you paid for 30 and kind of 25 minutes, the buyer kind of gets like a little shot saying, “Five-minute warning. We’re going to be wrapping up shortly. Do you wish to book another consultation or are we going to end this?”I would absolutely love to do that because at the moment I have Skype consultations. At least you have this because they’re not as integrated into the platform. You can actually find it quite difficult to refer back to them. So when someone says remember what we talked about like – oh, let me just kind of pull that up. But I also like the idea of the buyer putting in the credit to talk to you so you can kind of talk to them for 30 minutes and go, “OK, we’re wrapping up now. Great chat. Let’s move on to the next one,” and you improve the way that you communicate. Like you say, because you would rather just be on a – trying to text or type it out or trying to figure out what they’re saying. You can just talk to them so easily and say, “Oh, I think we should do this,” or “We should do this.” I just love the idea of it being integrated as like paid consultation options.Redd: I think that’s a great idea. I would definitely use that. I have a lot of my clients that would love to just walk you through things.Adam: Well, you did an order the other day which I thought was fantastic when you had someone live with you on Skype.Redd: Yeah. Every so often I get to do that where it’s – I will have this with a client where they will be on Skype and I will be recording and they say, “Oh, I like how you said that. But can you just say this one phrase just a little bit different?” Then we will say it. I will repeat it. I will edit it in and it’s fine.Adam: So almost like directing you.Redd: Yeah, exactly. It’s very, very rare that I do those and those are generally more for external clients but if Fiverr had that kind of integration, I have no doubt that it would be used all the time.Adam: Like maybe an upsell. That would be so – also actually it’s easy for you as well because they’re telling you exactly what they want.Redd: Exactly, yeah, and it would definitely streamline a few things.Wayne: I think for me personally, the Fiverr Anywhere needs some form of expansion. I know you and I Adam have been championing it for some time. We have the ability to, well, manage the custom offers that we put out there, the Fiverr Anywhere offers and also have one that we can set as an unlimited time, so we can do upsells.Adam: Yes, we’re going to have to keep going like every 30 days and say, “Hey, have you changed this?” You know, to share it on the website or something. You have to go back to that website and say, “Can we change that link please?” So I think that’s a really key one.Wayne: Yeah, we need the ability to remove custom offers as well, that you no longer need out there in the world.Adam: Yeah, because also I mean when I was coming to New York today, I have no idea what offers I currently have out there and I haven’t looked but I can come back to some serious offers.Marco: When there are people delivering images, can you have a preview with a Fiverr writing on it?Redd: Oh, like a watermark.Marco: Like a watermark.Redd: Yeah, that would be great.Marco: Because there are people complaining they deliver something and then the buyer can use it but they may be charged back and if you have a Fiverr or something watermark, you can give up preview without the worry because you can use it.Adam: You can add the watermark yourself for now but that’s actually going to take you longer.Marco: But it should be automated.Adam: Yeah, so it’s automated watermark. So the video has the watermarks.Marco: The video has?Adam: Yeah, not on the portfolio, on your Gig. Your video Gig has the watermark.Ryan: If maybe they can preview the file with the watermark and they have to click Approve to be able to download it without the watermark.Adam: That’s interesting.Redd: You could do the same with voiceovers.Adam: I certainly agree with that, but at the same time, they’ve already paid by that point. So basically if you don’t like it, you’re going to get the thing you paid for right now.Ryan: But it would be the same thing as requesting a modification if they didn’t like …Adam: But when you request a modification, you’re still getting the full file. So say I didn’t like it. You still give me the full track whereas say I didn’t like it and I had to approve it.Ryan: But they can only preview it on the website. They can’t download the actual file. So if there’s an image with the watermark, they can’t download the file itself without the watermark unless they approve of the file.Adam: Yeah, but that’s what I mean to say. They say to me – someone orders my logo design Gig.Ryan: Right.Adam: And they paid for the logo design. They don’t like the first situation. However, they’ve received the files for it and they’ve learned from that. They may still want the actual file and maybe work with in the future and my Gig gives you up to two revisions. So when you pay for my Gig, you’re getting the foolproof of the initial one and the two revisions with the suggestion of the – except in the watermark, they are only going to receive one. So I think it works but I think it would change the dynamic of what the buyers are receiving because their modifications would so much be the final proof and that’s what you get as opposed to you getting everything leading up to the delivery.Ryan: So say if you deliver the file, right? There’s a button. Yes, this is the one. No, this is not the one.Adam: Yeah.Ryan: If yes, this is the one, they can click and get that file without the watermark. Then they don’t get the other revisions.Adam: Yes. So they can compare it to the …Ryan: So here’s a second one. They say, no, that’s not the one either. If there’s a third one, they say, no, that’s not the one either. Then they have three to choose from. So they’ve …Adam: … taking it out to their team because they may kind of go to their team, “Which one is better in the three.”Ryan: Well, they would have to pull it with the watermark and let’s say approve the final file.Adam: Yes. So I mean I can say – actually I like it but I think …Adam: Basically making it more strict for the buyers of this is what you’re getting so they will come out with it.Ryan: Well, I mean the thing is videos, people already think there’s a watermark on their video. They will say, “Yeah, this is great. Can you send it without the Fiverr logo please?” A lot of people don’t even realize where they – because it’s on the player. It’s the funniest request I get. Can you take the watermark off or can you choose a different starting image?Redd: So I think that’s about all we have time for this week. Thanks to our guests today. Ryan, you can find him on Fiverr as “Customdrumloops” and he also made our jingle. Wayne is found at “Ozzieuk” and Marco is “Marc74”. We were edited today by the incredible Dansha and we will see you next week.Adam: Bye!Redd: Bye!Wayne: Bye!Transcription by: Transexpert

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