Success Stories

Launching an App and Kickstarter with Fiverr

Fiverr Team
January 19, 2016
David Kickstarter

David, known on Fiverr as David388, was featured on the Fiverr blog last July as a surgeon, writer, and extraordinary Fiverr seller. Now David is engaged in another major project to help others, and he’s using Fiverr to make it happen.

What is your new project?

Many people have great ideas for something new and they want to launch a new business, but they don’t know how. Business and tech magazines and medical journals have articles about people who have done it, but the articles don’t explore where the ideas came from or how people went from the idea to reality. After talking to hundreds of people, I realized I was not the only one who would love to read such articles. So I created the Invented app.“Invented” is a digital magazine app for smart phones and tablets that will show people how others have launched an invention that will make the world a healthier, happier place. Examples of what we will feature include jewelry that helps keep women from being assaulted, and a company that is able to print 3D arms for children born without limbs. Each monthly issue will feature inspiring technologies and take readers behind the scenes to show how they are being brought to market.

So how are you bringing “Invented” to market?

We already have an amazing team of writers, editors and designers, and we are working on creating an online community. We also have a crowdfunding strategy, and launched a Kickstarter campaign.

How has Fiverr helped you with the project?

The development process has been a whirlwind. It started with an idea, and then I went to my target audience for some preliminary testing and validation to refine the idea and product. Fiverr sellers have contributed in all kinds of amazing ways to the project. For example, coming up with a name took days. I had dozens of pages filled with lists of names, and I can remember one night in particular when I decided I wouldn’t sleep until I had a working name. One Fiverr seller, Oenomauscrixus, helped me refine a few ideas I was looking at and served as a friendly sounding board to help me make some decisions. By 4 a.m. that night, I finally had my name!Crslaytor did an amazing job piecing together video footage, audio, etc. into the final video for Kickstarter, and Landongrace helped me with some of the nuts and bolts of audio processing, particularly for the video. Avidreader1 helped write some relevant and related article content, and a long-time friend and Fiverr mentor, Anarchofighter, provided absolutely invaluable advice and support in helping me frame my overall crowdfunding strategy.

Can you compare the cost of the support you’re getting from Fiverr to what it would have cost you without Fiverr?

On Fiverr, it’s costing me just a few hundred dollars. So far, the grand total, including tips, is somewhere around $250. Without Fiverr, it would have cost much more, if not thousands, of dollars.

How will you use Fiverr after “Invented” launches?

As I build out my team, I will continue to work with Fiverr sellers for all aspects of the business: content generation, marketing, and any other needs that arise as I move forward. If you’d like to share your story about how Fiverr has impacted your life, please send it to us by email at

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