Freelancer Tips

Gig Economy News: State of the (Freelancers) Union

Fiverr Team
May 19, 2018

There comes a time when it’s important to stop, take stock, and understand the playing field before you keep marching forward. Well we’ve done just that by evaluating the state of freelancing in the United States and seeing where people are, what they do, and what they need so that we can deliver. To help you get a better view of the state of the Gig nation too, this week’s Gig Economy News dives into the best places and practices for being an entrepreneur in the Gig Economy today.

The Full Impact

There’s no doubt about it: the Gig Economy is growing. But, we wanted to know how it’s growing, where it’s flourishing, and what the future of freelancing looks like – so we decided to find out! Our brand new Impact Report offers an in-depth look at where freelancers live and what they do today.

Evolving Entrepreneurs

With the Gig Economy expanding, it makes sense that the nature of who freelancers are and what they do is shifting too. If you find your own goals and expectations as an entrepreneur changing, you’re not alone. This recent Forbes article about the New Entrepreneur offers some interesting insights into who today’s entrepreneur is and what they’re seeking.

Protect Yourself

One of the struggles that many entrepreneurs face while freelancing is the lack of protections that moving from client to client can create. Too many freelancers don’t implement a basic contract that would protect their interests and rights, opening themselves up to all kinds of problems down the road. We are working to solve this issue by promoting standardized contracts which are accessible and comprehensive – so check it out and make sure your next client signs one.

Where the Freelancers Are

As the country becomes filled with more freelancers, it’s time to evaluate: is your city freelancer-friendly? Did you know that some cities are better for freelancers than others? It’s no wonder that there are certain hubs which attract freelancers and where residents are more likely to be freelancers. If you’re thinking of moving to follow your freelancing dreams, make sure you check out these top cities before you pack your bags. What do you think is the future of the Gig Economy? Tell us in the comments!

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