Business Tips

Gig Economy News: Going Green for Earth Day

Fiverr Team
April 22, 2017

Fiverr is a global community, with buyers and sellers across all corners of the world. So it makes sense that Earth Day, which is observed on April 22nd, should be something that can bring us all together! We may come from all different kinds of places, from all walks of life, and our businesses may be as varied as we are, but we can all agree that entrepreneurship is growing in influence, so let’s take this holiday as an opportunity to see what we entrepreneurs can do for the planet. This week’s Gig Economy News is about Earth Day, efficiency, and appreciating the offline aspects of entrepreneurship.Grow Your Brick & Mortar Business These days lots of entrepreneurs are working purely online, but plenty of us have brick and mortar businesses that we’re trying to grow. Whether it’s a cafe, a shop, or anything else – integrating the online and offline experience is key. For this year’s Earth Day, instead of being glued to the computer to develop your business, try focusing on how people can help you grow instead. Turn to Action We all know that the earth is important, but what are we doing to help protect it? If you’re wondering how you – both as an individual and as a business – can play an active part in protecting our beautiful planet, there are plenty of ideas on the Earth Day official website’s Take Action page. Check it out and see what small changes can make a big difference. Optimize Your Earth Day At the end of the day, you still have a business to grow, and Earth Day can actually be a really fun opportunity to show your customers why your brand is great, and green. These 20 Earth Day promotion ideas are a great way to start brainstorming how your company can be part of keeping the planet safe and use Earth Day in your marketing efforts. Conserve Your Resources The major themes of Earth Day are conservation and efficiency, and these are values that we always recommend applying to your business. Sometimes this can be as simple as using data more effectively in order to avoid wasting precious resources – especially time which is extremely valuable to entrepreneurs. Take a look at our tips for leveraging data to streamline your business’ efforts and growth.   What will you do to observe Earth Day this year? Tell us in the comments!

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