Freelancer Tips

Gig Economy News: Get Involved, Get Inspired

Fiverr Team
November 12, 2016
gig economy

Most of the entrepreneurs that we know are always aspiring to be a step ahead of wherever they are now. Whether it means turning a side project into a full-time job, building a business from a one-person operation to a small company, or improving the quality of services or products they provide. The dedication and sense of innovation that it takes to become part of the Gig economy means that entrepreneurs always have their eye on the next possibility. Here are some articles from around the web to help give you some inspiration on what your next steps could be so that you never stop striving.

Get Involved, Get Inspired

One of the most inspiring things that we get to see is all of you, your businesses and ideas and how your passion and dedication turns into tangible results. Get inspired by each other as much as we are, and meet your fellow Fiverr entrepreneurs at upcoming community events in Seattle, Austin, Chicago, Boston, NYC, San Francisco, Denver, Nashville and San Diego. Find out more about upcoming events or submit a request for your city here.

Go for Your Goals - Effectively

The reasons that some people are able to achieve their goals while others struggle to do so are many, but there are also some insights that statistics can give us into what works and why. If you find yourself pushing towards a goal without results, then be sure to check out this article from Inc with practical advice on how to evaluate and improve your efforts.

Aim to Influence

There are many perks to being an influencer in today’s social and business world, but too often we get complacent in just being a mover and shaker. If you’re not sure if you should push your position to the next level, or if you don’t know how to do so, take a look at our post on the benefits of being an entrepreneur who is also an influencer.

No Borders For Success

Sometimes it’s easy to look at places like Silicon Valley and think that if you were just there in the center of it all you’d be able to make your business shoot to the top. However, location shouldn’t be a limiting factor for your success. For some inspiration and ideas on how to make it, wherever you are, check out this piece from Entrepreneur on rising stars outside of the entrepreneurship hotspots.How do you push yourself to the next level? Tell us in the comments!

Fiverr Team
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