Freelancer Tips

Fiverrcast Episode 22: Tools That Help Freelancers

Fiverr Team
February 2, 2016


Redd: Hello and welcome to Fiverrcast, the official Fiverr podcast for sellers, by sellers. My name is Redd AKA Reddhorrocks.Adam: And I’m Adam also known as Twistedweb123. Today we’re joined by seller “Jasontd”. Welcome to the show, Jason. Why don’t you tell us a little bit about yourself?Jason: Thanks so much. Yes. My name is Jason and on Fiverr, I’m Jasontd and I live in the Central Florida area and I’ve been selling on Fiverr. I’ve been doing voiceovers there for a little less than a year now. But I have been doing freelance work and sort of entrepreneurial sorts of work for about 15 or 16 years now and I actually never have worked away from home. I’ve never had like a traditional office job. So my entire experience has been freelancing and doing entrepreneurial sorts of ventures like that.Redd: So today we are going to talk about tools that help freelancers stay sane. For me this is a really good topic because I am not kidding when I say that I spend my entire time talking to myself in a padded room. So I have a tendency to kind of like hermitize and just insulate a little bit. So one of the things that we’re talking about today is tools and things that help us not go crazy. So Adam, tell me some of the challenges that you find on how to stay sane when you’re freelancing at home.Adam: The biggest struggle for me always as a freelancer and I’ve been freelancing now for just over a decade is always trying to find the perfect balance between work and your social life. So you have a fulfilling work life but you also have a fulfilling social life that you’re an active part of because I always find it very easy to kind of always blur those lines or cross them over where you could be out doing social things and still kind of working or you could be at work on Facebook. So that’s the biggest kind of struggle that I always come to – by myself coming across.Redd: So how about you Jason? What’s your hot button issue when you’re freelancing?Jason: Well, solitude definitely is something that I experience and have experienced for a long time myself. I personally am pretty much a – I’m pretty comfortable with being an introverted sort of person. So I’m OK with not having as much interaction with the outside world but it definitely seems like something that needs to be addressed because I know it’s not really healthy for anyone to be completely on their own, but there are a number of other things that come up like the – being sort of your own boss. It can be sort of a double-edged sword in that you also can kind of become your own jailer because you can tend to have a compulsion to work all the time and not let yourself have time off.That’s one of the big things that I think is – I think the people who don’t do freelancing get wrong. They think that if you work from home, you just have all this free time available. But if you really enjoy what you’re doing, if you enjoy what you’re working on, then you have a tendency to not give yourself breaks. You have a tendency just to push yourself all the time and never have time off.Redd: Yeah, I think I’m really guilty of doing that too. Like you get kind of – because work is like the main focus of your day. It can completely consume like everything that you’re doing from waking to sleeping and since you don’t have office hours necessarily, you’re not going to get kicked out of the office at 5:00 PM. You have the potential to just keep on kind of going. So I have the same problem with that.Adam: Yeah. As you say, it’s a doubled-edged sword because the more you work, the more likely you are to become more of a hermit. But then the more you become social, the less likely you are to work. It sounds – I’ve always got the biggest advice for me when it comes to solitude because I’m very happy by myself working – well, I could work up to 12 hours straight coding something that I was enjoying doing. But I always try and push myself to try and go out there and do social things.The thing that I always do, if I’ve been working all day, the chances that I haven’t spoken to anyone yet – and you know when you wake up in the morning and the first time you speak to someone, your voice kind of has this weird cackly like crack to it. Every time before I leave the house for the first time after working, I always say a sentence to myself and then I go and leave the house and the first person I talk to, I’m not there saying, “Hello! You’re the first person I’ve talked to today.” That is my top tip. Talk to yourself once before you leave the house.Jason: It’s kind of funny because with doing voiceovers, I will go in and be ready to do a voiceover and I always do a mic check or like doing equipment check. But before doing that, when I’m just walking into the room where I do the recording, I talk to myself just to make sure my voice is there and OK. I will be walking – just walking around without any microphone or anything just saying like, “Test, test, test.” Just making sure I sound OK because I haven’t talked to anyone.Redd: I do the same thing. I think I usually like – I will usually like say something to myself at some point but the other thing that I do and this is just something that I’ve learned doing voiceovers is I sing. So I will like – and I’m not a good singer by any stretch of the imagination. So I will like go into my studio and I will just kind of have a song in my head and be singing to myself before I actually start recording because it’s an easy way to like get whatever stuff is in my voice to come out. So again, people must think I’m just – if anyone saw me, I would look crazy. I would look absolutely crazy every day.Jason: Does that mean we can’t ask for requests on this episode?Redd: No, no, because there is no singing. There is no singing here.Jason: OK. Not the musical episode.Redd: No, definitely not. No. We will have to get Joss Whedon to write us a version one day. But for now, no.Adam: Anyone new to freelancing must think we’re quite insane at the moment and that we all have just admitted to talking to ourselves that [0:05:56] [Indiscernible] to get through.Redd: But I would hope that there are some of our listeners that are nodding their heads and going, “Yeah, I do that too. Yay!”Adam: It makes complete sense because it sounds silly but if you have been working quite a lot, you’re kind of like, “Does my voice still work? Is it still there? Am I good to go?” Because before I kind of picked that up, I was very much in the situation of – especially when I was younger. I would go for like hack-a-thons if you like where I could be coding for 18 hours straight, because actually I loved it.Then I would leave the house and God knows what my voice sounds like to other people. It was just so completely strange. So I always kind of like to – as I say, I like to push myself out there to try and be social because especially when you’re freelancing and you love what you do. It’s very easy to just do that and not do anything else.Redd: So what about for people that don’t have necessarily a really active community around them? Like for me, I live in a really transient town and I have some friends but I can go like a week or so without getting a chance to see them. So like there are some things that I know I like that are online. Do you guys have anything that you like online community-wise that kind of give you more that sense of not being alone?Adam: Recently actually, a couple of days ago, I actually signed up to Meetup which is which is actually a website where people can create and host events for similar-minded people and you subscribe to it or you sign up completely free of charge and see what’s going on in your local area.What I loved about this website was I signed up and I had a look at what was on – in my local area, not actually thinking I would find that much. Tonight as an example, there is a board game night to go play classic board games which is a great social event and tomorrow, there is a young professionals’ tech startup meeting which is fantastic as well. So for me, I really like what I see for Meetup because I see the ability to socialize in both a fun, social way but also to socialize in a network professional way as well to kind of better those both kind of worlds.Jason: I tried Meetup as well. I have been a member on there for a good long while and I’m in the Central Florida area so I get updates for what’s going on in Orlando and in Tampa and various places in Florida here and it looks like there’s a lot of really good stuff going on. My problem is that I haven’t kept up my end of the bargain. I haven’t sufficiently motivated myself to get out there and actually go to the things but it looks like there’s a lot of stuff out there that I would like to do if I could sort of summon the motivation to move out of my hermit hole here. So I think that’s a very good suggestion.Redd: I think for me like one of the things that I really like – I’m not necessarily a – like go to meet-ups kind of person but I spend a lot of my day on Skype. Not necessarily talking to my friends but talking to the people that I kind of consider coworkers. So there are a lot of other Fiverr users that I’m connected with on Skype especially for me as an ambassador. There’s an ambassador chat group and it’s a really great way to kind of like keep up with communications with other people who are more like a coworker sense. So they kind of know my day and know what I’m going through and know what it’s like being on your own. So I think for me, like more so than going out like finding new members of that community has been really beneficial for me.Jason: I’ve been meaning to check out the Fiverr forums and see what’s going on there because I think it would help to have that sort of connection with sort of coworkers and people who know what you’re going through when you’re having to put together projects and working with clients, working with deadlines and that sort of thing. So it seems like having that sort of network really would be a good – almost like support group that you have for this sort of thing that we do.Redd: Yeah, exactly. Like it’s nice to talk to people that understand that I might go a couple of days without leaving my house and that doesn’t make me a bananas crazy person.Jason: Yeah. The site that I go to most frequently for forum type things is usually Reddit which can be good or bad. There are some good areas of Reddit and there are some bad areas that you don’t – that no one should probably go into. But there are some communities on there that are good for freelancers, for finding out things like that but I usually – when I am being social and I’m talking to people and sort of having that outlet, I tend not to focus as much on my work. I tend to focus more on my hobbies and on other things.Like I will go in and I will talk to somebody on Reddit or online or just talk to someone in general about looking forward to the new X-Files season that’s starting or talk about a book or a videogame or something like that. So when I do my socializing and getting away from it, I tend to these days at least really get away from the work that I’ve been doing and not as much about enriching my freelance skills as opposed to making sure that I still exist in some capacity outside of work if that makes sense.Redd: It makes perfect sense. What about you Adam? Are you a member of any forums or anything like that?Adam: In regards to forums, I mainly just kind of concentrate on the Fiverr forum only because when you’re a freelancer, meeting other freelancers in general doesn’t necessarily mean that they are the same field as what you are all day. They come across the same sort of situations. So the thing I love about the Fiverr forum specifically is that you’re more likely to meet freelancers who are doing a similar thing to you but they’re also working on the same platform.So I mean when I go to like a freelancer meetup, I can talk about work or when I get in kind of like the specifics of “Well, on Fiverr,” and people kind of turn around and go, “Well, what’s Fiverr?”So it’s nice on the forum. I can – people already have that kind of information and that knowledge but I also – I love the idea of joining other forums and talking about just your interest and your hobbies because I think it’s one of those things where if you don’t kind of pick your timing to those interests and hobbies, that will be something that you can maybe drop off or lose out on when really it’s something that you really enjoy doing and being a part of and online forum is the best of both worlds for that because you may not always have the time to do something but at least you can talk about it with like-minded people.For me, any tools that I use for my freelancer-based life is always based on automating my process or making my process as simple as possible. Now I actually saw an article the other day that was from Mark Zuckerberg where he took a photo of his wardrobe and it was all gray shirts and all gray hoodies and people asked him, “Why do you have the exact same clothes?” and he said, “Because I try to make everything in my life as automated as possible to make the smallest decisions possible so I can really focus on what I want to do.”That’s the exact kind of thing that I tried reflecting in the work that I do. So any tools that I use, I want to make my life automated basically. So I look at using tools such as Dropbox which is a big tool that I will use to basically create a full circle if you like where any work that I do goes into Dropbox.Dropbox is then synced with Fiverr and if I go anywhere such as the coffee shop or if I go abroad, if I go anywhere else, it’s all on Dropbox and the whole thing goes full circle. So it means no matter where I am or what I do, or what computer I’m using, I’ve always got my work in my lap whereas you turn to these – have it all on one laptop or have it on your desktop and if you go to work somewhere with your laptop as an example and that file was on your desktop, you then make it more difficult for yourself. So the biggest tool that I probably use the most is tools like Dropbox.Jason: I do a very similar thing with mine but instead – I do use Dropbox occasionally but more frequently I use Google Drive. I actually subscribe to the paid version of that so you get more storage space and all of that. But I do a very similar thing with Google Drive where I will do a – I will maybe get an order for a voiceover and I will get the script for it and I will drop that into Google Drive and then I will have that wherever I need to be. I sometimes record in different places and then I will do my recording and I will upload the audio file into Google Drive and they go back and have it at my desktop computer where I can edit or do whatever. So it’s just so convenient to have all of the files that I need just right there from any computer and I think Dropbox probably works very similarly to that.Adam: My preferences for Dropbox – I’m not sure if Google Drive is – the function is there yet but my preference with Dropbox is that the Fiverr app is also integrated into it. So when you’re on the Fiverr mobile app, you have the ability to select files directly from Dropbox. So I can for example render a big video that’s – you know, let’s say 50 megabytes or 100 megabytes. Put it on to render, leave the house, get a notification on my phone when it has been uploaded automatically to Dropbox and then just log into the Fiverr app and send the message with the Dropbox link whereas the alternative for me would have been sitting around waiting for an hour and then sending it through when I’m at the desktop.Redd: Well, that’s a really good idea.Jason: Yeah, I didn’t realize that you could do that with the – the files that I have with my Gig that I normally do are much smaller than that. So for me, I don’t sit around like that but for anyone who has video or has a big thing like that, it seems like that would be just a breakthrough to be able to do that.Adam: Yeah. The trick is to basically any program that you use, always have the preset saved file as the Dropbox folder on your computer. So all my video renderings, all my audio renderings, all my graphic programs, et cetera, every time I save them, they go into pre-designated files inside this Dropbox folder, inside subfolders from that. So everything that I can do is automated.So if I’ve also got a client that I work with quite regularly, and let’s say they want graphical posters or banners or anything done, what I will often do is we will create a shared Dropbox folder together and then any work I do, it’s automatically uploaded to that folder and the buyer receives it instantly as opposed to me creating the work, going into the email, getting through – zip them together or upload all the files and email it through to them. That client already knows that we have this agreed setup folder and everything he can find or want is in there.The other really big tool that I like to use is something called Push. Now I’m a very visual person and due to the work that I do, explaining and demonstrating things is very important. So what Push allows you to do is Push allows you to take a screenshot of whether it’s a webpage, your computer, a portion of the page or anything in general and instantly uploads that to the internet to give you an image.Now I really love this tool because it allows me to work in many different scenarios. So let’s say for example I’m fixing someone’s website and I need to change something. I will change it. I will take this quick screenshot with Push and I will send them the link to show them that it has been changed.The terms of that is at least taking the screenshot, saving it on to my computer, cropping it out and then sending it to them or sending through no proof at all. Another way that I like to use it is when I create logos, I often generate a lot of different files for them such as PSD files, source files and all this other stuff. But if a buyer comes back to me and says they have an amendment, it’s really annoying to have to make the amendment and send through all the files all over again for them to confirm it.So what I will often do is I will make the amendment, take that automated screenshot again, send it through to them and say, “Hey, is this what you’re looking for?” If they say yes, I send through the upgraded files. If they say no, I will go ahead and amend it again but I’ve cut all that time down there because I’m not spending the time saving the file, sending it through, waiting it for – to upload it, et cetera. I’m literally just sharing a link in about one to two seconds. So that’s the other program that I highly recommend using.Redd: A big part of something that I’ve really started learning more and more recently, which three years in Fiverr and I’m still learning, is ways to make myself more efficient and more streamlined because one of the things that I’ve – I noticed was – and we kind of touched upon this before. The whole thing where you can spend your entire day working. I was doing that all the time. I was spending like six to eight hours in the studio every single day and then I realized that if I just made like a few little changes to the way I work, I could really streamline it down and now I’m down to more like two to three hours a day and that gives me a lot more time to pursue other hobbies or do other things or talk to real people and stuff like that. So I think that’s a really good thing that everyone should maybe take a quick peek at is take a look at your process and see if there’s a way that you could tweak it to make it better.Adam: Yeah. I think there are loads of things you can do. I mean coming back to Dropbox as an example, one other thing you can do is at the beginning of each working day, you can create a folder in your Dropbox. Let’s say it’s called “Tuesday”. So you call the folder “Tuesday”. You then go through all of your orders.So let’s say for example Redd if we’re doing voiceovers. You then go through all of your orders and you record each voiceover and save it as the file order number for reference. Save it inside Tuesday. Record all the voiceovers back to back quickly and then at the end of it, go on to Fiverr with the integrated Dropbox and just select each of those order numbers related to whatever order you’ve done.From that, you automate the process because you don’t find yourself having to spend time manually uploading the files, waiting for it to be sent and then clicking Send, et cetera. It’s all automated to the degree that you’re still doing work whilst other stuff is going on behind the scenes and even that can help you streamline and work faster.Redd: Yeah, that’s a good point. One of the ways that I’ve actually handled it is sort of a little similar but the only reason why I don’t do all my recordings in one go and not send them is because oftentimes, I will get script revisions from clients before I’ve actually delivered an order. I’ve been bitten on that one once or twice.But what I do is I use the uploading process as a – I used to like upload a file and while I wait for it to upload and then you click Deliver. So what I do now is I just open two windows. So while one is uploading, I will be recording the next file and then I will send the one that’s already loaded and then in that window, I will go ahead and record the next one and so forth.So I kind of toggle back and forth between two windows, so there’s no waiting. But the other thing I did which made me epically more efficient that I didn’t realize was dragging me down that much is for two hours, in the morning, when I am in my studio, I shut off Skype and I shut off access to my email and I leave my cell phone far, far, far away.Even just little things like seeing the email icon pop up was really like something that was making me stop and slow down and I would be like, oh, I’m just going to check this email and make sure it’s nothing I need to handle. But just shutting everything down just for two hours, I can go through so many more orders now. It’s bananas. I didn’t realize the impact it was having on my time.Jason: It really is distracting to have and this is something that I still do even right now. Like as we’re recording this, I have open tabs in my browser and I have like a little Facebook tab up there. That it’s just a compulsion that it’s up there and whenever I get notifications, they come through and I see it there and I haven’t come through the other side yet. I haven’t broken myself off that habit. So I can testify that it definitely caused me a lot of time to have those distractions going on while I’m working.Redd: You may be like really focused on doing your work and then you will get an email or you will get a Skype message and it kind of derails you and if you go – if you follow the derailment down the line, you can end up losing so much time. It’s crazy. I really highly encourage everyone to just one time just try working with nothing else. It’s really interesting the impact it can have. So it has worked for me. I found it really great and like I said, it has cut my studio time down by about half, which is awesome.Adam: The problem I have is I’m a bit of a Facebook and BBC Sport junkie. So I need to kind of like have a fix to be able to like move on from that if you like. So the method that I use at the moment is I think to myself, “OK, you’re going to check Facebook at some point. You’re going to check BBC Sport at some point. But before you do, make sure you do at least this.”So I will say like do these 10 orders, then you can have a look at Facebook and only look at it for about five or ten minutes. Don’t be there for an hour. I found that works for me because otherwise I’m going through the day thinking, “I’m wonder if anyone has replied,” or “I wonder if any transfers have gone through,” et cetera. I find myself mulling that over my mind and that’s distracting to me. So by giving me that little preset of time and making that reward for doing work, it makes me more efficient because I don’t check unless I’ve done that work.Redd: Yeah, that makes sense. I mean you’re creating your own carrot system where you’re dangling it in front of yourself and it makes you want to work through things more efficiently and faster. That makes perfect sense.Adam: So the other side that comes to freelancing of course is there are a lot of good days but you also sometimes have some negative days that can kind of throw you off or can make you work slower or less productive because of that. What sort of advice do you two have when you have one of those kinds of days?Jason: Well, there definitely is – there seems to be a situation where the negativity seems to be louder than the positivity. A lot of times when you’re doing freelancing or when you’re working for yourself and with Fiverr, one of the good things about Fiverr in particular is that there is the feedback system that’s built in. So after you deliver an order and you’ve done these Gigs and you feel like you’ve done a good job, you usually will get positive feedback from people and they will be thanking you for what you did and it will turn out well.But especially in other work that I’ve done in freelancing that doesn’t have that sort of built-in system, what I hear from people the most is usually negativity. It’s people that are complaining about something in particular or making unreasonable demands which of course that does happen on Fiverr sometimes. There will be a client who doesn’t understand exactly what they want to begin with and they will change it several times through or they will complain about something in particular.I actually have created a folder in my Outlook that I just put emails into, that when I get emails that are – people that are just outrageously angry with me for things or people who are giving really, really unreasonably negative feedback, I will just drop them into this folder and I go back every once in a while and just read through the folder and just sort of – I have a laugh for myself about that and it’s everything from – I think it was about a couple of years ago. I had someone who told me that my work had ruined Christmas for her child forever.So those sorts of things can really be negative things that can weigh you down. But if you can find a way to turn them into positives and can find a way to sort of spend them for yourself, it really does help.Redd: I think for me one of the things that I do is I’m a mildly big fan of schadenfreude. So there’s a website that I absolutely love called Clients from Hell and it’s a lot for – there’s a lot of graphic designers that post on there but basically it’s kind of a little bit like a ranting site where people will just tell the ridiculous stories of things that their clients have asked them to do or have said to them.For some reason, it makes me feel better because it’s like I know that I’m not alone in the insanity that we sometimes deal with as freelancers. So I often pop on there and read a few of the newest posts and then I feel slightly more vindicated. It makes me feel better.I also – it’s not quite the same as what Jason does but I also started keeping track of a lot of my outtakes. So the times that I have just messed up ridiculously on my end. Obviously I never send them to the client but if I’m feeling particularly humbled, every so often I will go through and listen to a few of those and it will make me feel better.Jason: I think I probably could take just my folder of emails and just sort of en masse just dump them into Clients from Hell and I think they would be set for a while with content there. So …Redd: Yeah, pretty much.Adam: Yeah, I actually – I visit a website similar to Clients from Hell but it’s a little bit more varied in the content, which is The Oatmeal which is a cartoonish – if you know The Oatmeal, he does a lot of different broad cartoons on a lot of different subjects but I particularly like to follow his work-orientated subjects or his cartoons where I’ve actually gone to the extent of having his posters printed out and mounted on my walls and at the moment I have four of his posters on display which is Why Working From Home Is Both Awesome And Horrible, How A Web Design Goes Straight To Hell, Why I Believe Printers Were Sent From Hell and Why It’s Better To Pretend You Don’t Know Anything About Computers. I recommend checking out each one of them on Oatmeal.Redd: Yeah, I like The Oatmeal quite a lot too. I often find their stuff quite entertaining. There are a lot of really good sites like that too. There’s another site that I’m sure a lot of people have heard of, theCHIVE, which is kind of an image-gathering site for funny random galleries of things. There’s actually a girl’s version called theBERRY, which I spend some time peeking over and there’s a few things on there that I let myself take a little break and look at galleries of ridiculous things all the time. So that’s another good one too is theBERRY.Jason: I mentioned Reddit previously and Reddit is another place that you can spend quite a bit of time finding things to just distract yourself and to amuse yourself during the day but it can be a bit of a rabbit hole if you don’t sort of rein yourself in. It can be a thing sort of like having Facebook open that you will just start looking at something and then you keep looking at other things and reading more and more and commenting and then before you know it, the day is gone. So you have to be a little bit careful with these things.Adam: That’s where I like my reward system. Just a little bit of time on this and then back to work.Redd: Absolutely.Jason: While we were talking about time management and things like that and we were also talking about tools online, I did want to mention something that I use called Toggl. I’m not use whether either of you may have used that before but it’s a – the website is Toggl and it’s sort of just a time tracker that you can use that it’s all online and I think they might have an app for it as well.But I just do it online that I keep a tab open from Toggl and you can enter a task in that you’re doing and you hit Start and it just works pretty much as a stopwatch sort of thing that you keep it running while you’re doing that task and then you go back and hit Stop and it will record how long you have spent doing that task and then you move on to the next one. You can categorize what you’ve done and have all sorts of analytics from it and then at the end of the day, you can look back and see how long you spent doing this and that and whatever.I initially started using it when I was doing hourly freelance work. It was a very easy way to keep track of how long I spent doing this project or that project so that I can bill it out correctly. But in just the personal life, it’s very useful too to see OK, well, I played a videogame for this long and then OK, I worked on my Gigs for this long and I did this for this long and then I can see if there’s anything that I maybe need to adjust in my schedule if there’s anything that looks like I’m spending too much time on it or anything that I need to shift around. It gives a really good interface for that and it is very easy to use because you just go in and enter what you’re doing and sort of click Start and Stop and that’s kind of all there is to it.Redd: That seems like a really good way to kind of figure out like – like with me, like that I recently did with that, where I was trying to shut down having so many distractions. Like it seems like a good idea to kind of get an idea of what’s really happening with your day because three minutes on Facebook might not seem like a whole lot. But then when you do that every 15 minutes, it can actually add up to a significant portion of time throughout the day.Jason: Right, and I think there probably are some tools. I don’t know if Toggl specifically might have this but there probably are some tools that will automate that for you. Like it will show you how long you spend on what websites and how long you spend in this window or that window and it might be something that even simplifies beyond Toggl. I haven’t looked into that and discovered but I would be very surprised if there’s not something that automates that even further.Redd: So one of the other things that I do which is another little tool that I have to stay sane is I really enjoy reading and I like watching TV and all of the standard stuff that you do. But when I’ve been recording all day, sometimes the last thing I want to be doing is like reading or watching a screen.So there’s a few podcasts that I really like that I wanted to mention if people were looking for some kind of entertainment distraction thing and one of them that I really love is this podcast called Reply All, which is a show about the internet and it’s from Gimlet Media. It’s a couple of hosts and they talk about various topics that are mildly internet-related and their episodes are always extremely interesting and entertaining and really, really fun. So if anyone was looking to check out a new podcast, obviously ours is the best but that one is quite good too.Jason: Yeah, I listen to Reply All as well and I’m a little bit behind on it right now but I can second that recommendation because they find really clever ways to tie things into the internet and really interesting stories and interesting ways to present it. It’s – I guess the best way that I would describe it is probably it’s sort of NPR-ish in the way that they present it. It’s very produced and very professional-sounding but it’s still fun at the same time.Redd: Are there any other podcasts that you listen to Jason? Because I know you listen to a few.Jason: Yeah. I actually host a couple of podcasts myself. So I’m very much into the podcast thing but as with other things like I was talking about, most of the podcasts that I listen to myself have more to do with my hobbies. There are several video gaming podcasts that I listen to that aren’t really pertinent to Fiverr stuff and I listen to some movie and TV podcasts and really those sorts of things based around entertainment and just being a giant geek like I am.So that’s where most of it goes but in addition to Reply All, also from Gimlet, I also listen to StartUp. I haven’t listened to the second season or beyond but I listened to the first season of StartUp and it was a really interesting view into sort of the entrepreneurial world especially for me having gone through multiple times starting up businesses and doing entrepreneurship and all that kind of thing and seeing what people do these days with starting a business and all of the hoops they have to jump through and getting funding and all of that.So it was fun to listen to the first season of that but like I said, I haven’t listened beyond the first season yet on that one.Redd: And so Adam, what do you do for like your entertainment fix?Adam: I am a big fan of Netflix. Netflix and Amazon Prime Video I often find myself – I actually normally do it whilst I’m working as a bit of background noise but I often find myself kind of focusing on the show and then watching that show until I’m caught up or finished that particular show over whatever period of time it takes. This is a bit of background.So to give you an indication at the moment, I’m a bit behind the times but I’m currently doing Doctor Who and I have just finished the seventh season. I did not like Matt Smith as the doctor but that is what I often kind of focus on. I kind of keep myself channeled. I normally stick to one show then get into that show because I find it so difficult to switch between like five different shows and when the new episodes are released of that show and in this show, I just get lost. So wait for pretty much the show to finish and then I start.Redd: So you’re a binge watcher.Adam: That is the word, yes.Redd: Excellent. I’m doing the same thing with The West Wing right now.Adam: That is really behind the times.Redd: I know! But it’s Aaron Sorkin and he’s amazing.Adam: When did that finish?Redd: A while ago. We’re not going to talk about that. But it’s great. I highly recommend it. Really entertaining.Jason: Yeah. My wife and I actually just finished watching through all of The X-Files, all nine seasons and two movies of that to get caught up for the new season that’s just starting now. So Netflix definitely got our business for quite a while and we don’t really binge watch stuff. We don’t – I tend to have an attention problem where I can’t sit and watch like hours of TV back to back to back. I just sort of roam off in the middle of that. So we were watching like one to two episodes a night. So that lasted us quite a while.Adam: That’s what I do in the background whilst I work. So I can duck in and out but get the overall gist.Redd: Alas, with voiceover is you cannot be watching TV in the background. Sad day.Adam: You could if you put in headphones and you had the ability to focus on the show and read a different script of what was being said.Jason: Then you start saying X-Files lines.Redd: Yeah, absolutely. That would be hilarious. I’m kind of tempted to try it just to see what would happen.Jason: As one of my other entrepreneurial things that I do is run an entertainment news and review website and have another podcast for that. I find myself pretty steeped in entertainment stuff and particularly like TV shows and video games and all of that.So by the nature of that and that sort of being a form of work that I do, I tend to entertain myself with my work through that. So like I will receive a video game that needs to be reviewed or something like that. Then I will get to spend time actually playing a game, when playing the game is fun but it also counts as work. So I’m able to cheat a little bit like that.Redd: Well, that’s sneaky.Jason: Yeah, yeah. Especially getting the game for free too.Redd: Well, that’s about all we have time for this week. So thank you so much to Jason for joining us. You can find him on Fiverr as “Jasontd”. Our jingle was made by Ryan who can be found as Customdrumloops and we were edited today by Dansha. Thanks so much everyone and we will see you next week.Transcription by: Trans-Expert

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