Branding Services

How to Improve and Sustain your Brand's Reputation

Nicole Leinbach Reyhle
March 2, 2017

Have you ever tasted something so bad that you told whomever you were near they shouldn’t try it? The same way you instinctively tell someone to stay away from a particular food when it is bad is the same way customers express their thoughts about customer service when it isn’t good. Whether we like it or not, great customer care doesn’t always speak as loud as bad customer experiences. Fortunately that also means you can avoid your businesses’ reputation taking a hit  by proactively taking measures to improve your customer service. Implement these top tips to start making a better impression ASAP.

Tip #1: Deliver VIP Customer Service No Matter Who Your Client Is  

Long ago the status of VIP became trendy and ever since, it remains something people aim for. Can we blame them, though? After all, VIP stands for ‘very important person’ and with that, very cool things happen to these folks. From getting pre-sale concert tickets to boarding planes before anyone else to being treated “VIP” style, there are countless perks to the ideas of a VIP. Keeping this in mind, why not aim to treat all your customer like a VIP? If you overlook the idea that only some customers are VIP – whether it’s those who spend the most or those who have been loyal to your business the longest or for any other reason – and instead view any customer as a VIP, your reputation is sure to enhance thanks to this VIP care. And as a result, your sales are certain to improve, as well.  

Tip #2:  Go Above and Beyond What Your Customers Expect

In keeping with the VIP style you should aim to deliver within your business, why not also aim to go above and beyond what your customers expect?  As an artist, writer, designer, freelancer or any other professional, introduce perks to the services you offer without compromising too much of your time. This will take some strategy on your part to identify what would make the most sense, but possibly it may mean delivering an additional color alternative to a logo design or offering an extra idea for a product launch that you have been asked to support. The ideas are endless, but going above and beyond is up to you. Just remember that this extra effort will be perceived as an added value to what you offer your customers and due to this, they will be more likely to return again… while also telling others to do the same.

Tip #3: Reply to All Customer Inquiries… The Good & The Bad

In our very busy digital world, it’s easy for customers to reach out and get connected to the brands, Gigpreuners, and more that they work with. This has many perks… but sometimes can welcome undesirable conversations, as well. Take, for example, a bad review left on a Yelp page. If you are that frustrated customer leaving this review, do you want the company to reply to your comment or simply ignore it? The goal of customers who take the time to complain, speak negatively about a brand or vent their frustrations about something is to be heard… so make sure you let them know you’ve heard them if these conversations ever land in your direction. When doing so, also remember to acknowledge what they have said and aim to deliver a solution or reasonable explanation in response to them. What you do not want to do, however, is to offer an excuse. Being truthful, helpful, and supportive should be your goal.

Finally, when you seek to build your business and strengthen your customer loyalty, remember that your reputation goes a long way. Aim to please but do so by delivering honest, quality work that customers will want to experience time and time again while also encouraging others to do the same.

How do you manage your brand’s online reputation? Tell us in the comments below!

Nicole Leinbach Reyhle
Nicole Leinbach Reyhle is the Founder and Publisher of Retail Minded, the Co-Founder of the Independent Retailer Conference and a regular contributor to various publications. Additionally, Reyhle is the Author of the book “Retail 101: The Guide to Managing and Marketing Your Retail Business” from McGraw-Hill and has been the Spokesperson for Small Business Saturday from American Express since 2014. Follow Reyhle on Twitter at @RetailMinded.
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